Just looking to see if anyone has tried this yet and/or has noticed any benefits?
Hydrogen Water?: Just looking to see if... - Cure Parkinson's
Hydrogen Water?

This web site link proclaims that their bottle results in your water having
In 3 minutes........1300 PPB (parts per BILLION ) which is the same as saying 1.3 PPM (parts per million) industry and science labs commonly uses PPM .
In 10 minutes .......... 3000 PPB which equals 3 PPM
it is impossible to measure 3 PPM . it is outside the margins of error. Remember we are not talking about PPM by weight or volume we are talking about molecules. I suspect that the natural variations in different waters is more than 3 PPM,
This reminds me of a person I know that uses silver water and copper water to ward off bacteria. She stirs the water in a glass jug with a silver or copper spoon for 5 minutes.
"Though drinking hydrogen water won’t hurt your health, large research studies have yet to validate its potential benefits."
I’ve been trying the one from humanoptimization, by Ari Whitten for a couple of months.
You dissolve tablet in water and drink.
I am not sure I notice anything. (I don’t have PD, my hubby does).
I am unconvinced that it doesn’t bubble out and evaporate. I put in sealed water bottle filled to the brim with water and seal the lid, and tip upside down so it can’t escape, until it has dissolved. Plenty collects in top of bottle and forces water out. So plenty escapes. Not sure how much dissolves 😬
It sounds like your tablet is dried water. So all you need to do, once you have bought the tablets, is add water. And the bottle adds functionality by having a place for the water to be stored as you drink it. And to avoid the possibility of local contamination, it's probably a good idea to use bottled water when adding your water to the tablet. And if it's too strong, just add more water. And you know you have your money's worth because when you add more water, it gets heavier.
I have been having about 600mls several times a day. My blood oxygen level is regularly 99%. I haven't noticed any difference in feeling or energy but I will certainly continue taking it.
my opinion from reading, it’s a gimmick
Well it sounds like it's just magnesium and water. As for releasing hydrogen, and fourth grade I remember an experiment where we hooked a battery up to an anode and a cathode stuck it in water and place separate glass tubes upside down over the leads. And the tubes were collected hydrogen gas and oxygen gas, respectively. This is no different. It's just a dosing mechanism for some magnesium disguised by a parlor trick to distract and impress the kiddies.
Remember Fizzies?
All of us are searching for something that will help with our PD, but this is not one of them. Sorry to be so blunt.
Coincidentally I just bought Dr Mercola’s hydrogen tablets to try. You put one tablet into 500 ml of filtered water and drink it immediately the tablet has dissolved. I figured it was a cheaper trial than getting a $3000 machine and being labelled guillable. Hope springs eternal.