Hello fellow readers. My name is Sakina. I am soo confused about the b1 therapy. I have been taking b1 sublingual 100 mg three times in a week under the tongue for quite a while l, but have noticed no difference. So now I am taking 100mgs of Thiamine Mononitrate. Which is better Thiamine Hydrochloride or Thiamine Mononitrate and should I instead the dosage to 500 mg. Please advise.
b 1 Therapy : Hello fellow readers. My name... - Cure Parkinson's
b 1 Therapy

It takes 4 months for most improvements to become apparent
Thiamine hydrochloride and thiamine mononitrate are synthetic forms of B1 made from hydrochloric acid, acetone, ammonia, and coal tar! This is crystalline in form and may accumulate in our joints There are other forms of thiamine that are better absorbed and less toxic, Check out Elliott Overton online for a well researched thiamine protocol, recommendations and guidance.
Links to support your allegations?
So many links!Type "synthetic thiamine hcl" to learn what it's made from and how it's processed. Probably why it's the most affordable form. Disappointing.
I searched on Thiamine + "accumulate in joints" and was not able to find anything relevant. If you are going to make the sort of claim you had better be able to back it up.
Yes, always confirm information shared on this site and others. Question everything and do your own research. Here is the "claim" about synthetic thiamin hcl that concerned me enough to do more searches. Do your own due diligence!
This is sales puffery and is not valid observation: "This is crystalline in form and may accumulate in our joints, which may lead to health issues." [Emphasis added]
Synthetic thiamine hcl and mononitrate is "made from hydrochloric acid, acetone, ammonia, and coal tar"! That is a fact, not an observation. I don't want those ingredients in a supplement I'm taking in high doses. To each his own.
Your comments here are a violation of the code of conduct: healthunlocked.com/cure-par...
"Content should never be ... deliberately misleading"
It is deliberately misleading to suggest that the toxic compounds you have named can be found in some forms of thiamine.
I did extensive research which does not support your position, Carrielam . Here are two articles that make no mention of the way in which thiamine is manufactured using the ingredients you have suggested, Including coal tar. Please refrain from causing unnecessary issues with false alarms.
I agree with the comments made by park_bear
Why does it matter that it is made of ammonia and coal tar etc? That is what is required in the chemical manufacturing process to make it I assume. Once it’s made they go through purification steps to get rid of impurities. So long as it is purified to a high standard that is the main thing.
All pharmaceuticals go through a similar process. That’s chemistry!
The only way to not start fro these sorts of starting materials is to purify it from a plant or eg meat which would be extremely expensive and wasteful of the rest of the natural product as it isn’t found in high doses in nature.
Interesting article about synthetic vitamins.
Where you need to worry about synthetic vitamins is when they chemically alter the structure to give it longer shelf life or change it's properties. Like b12 they replace the methyl with a cyano and folate they substitute with folic acid. These molecules are different from the natural ones. Also in a chemical reaction you can get a mixture of mirror image molecules only half of which might work, whereas in nature they are usually all left or right oriented.But if the chemical process produces the identical molecule to nature and it is pure then it is the cheapest way to get a high dose.
Even naturally extracted vitamins go through chemical purifying with solvents etc.
The only way to get vitamins with no chemical interactions is in eating food, but then it won't be high dose
eonutrition.uk.com is his website but go to elliott overton on youtube to learn everything you need to know about his high dose thiamine therapy recommendations. It's trail and error so I won't make any suggestions for you but I started with all three forms of thiamine at low doses 3x daily and have increased over the last 2 months, eliminating the thiamine hcl since learning of it's poor absorption and synthetic ingredients. As others here have pointed out it takes time to feel a difference but I'm noticing improvement after a few weeks. I'm keeping track and tailoring his protocol for my particular needs.
Thank you for your response, but is it possible for you to tell me on what kind of b1 are you taking ??
I take Benfotiamine and TTFD (derived from garlic) recommended by Elliott Overton.
Where can I get this supplement in USA ???
Both supplements are available online. I buy Ecological Formulas All Thiamine (ttfd) and Doctor's Best Benfotiamine at iHerb or Amazon, whichever has the best prices.
If you have been taking 100 mg sublingual tablets, they sound as if they are superior sauce, which is mononitrate which has produced good results for many.
A dosage of 300 mg sublingual B1 per week is quite a high dose now. Most people use 50 mg or even 25 mg doses now making 150 or 75 mg per week.
Are you sure you haven’t got any worsening symptoms which you are believing are caused by Parkinson’s progression but might be B1 overdose?
Do you belong to my Facebook group? “Parkinson’s B1 therapy” We offer information and support
Can I take 100 mgs of b1 Hcl every day ??
If it is taken orally, the dose is rather low. If the dose is taken sublingually, the dose is very high! Suggested start doses currently (based on what works in our 10,000 FB member group) are 200 mg oral daily OR 50 mg 3x/week. This is an average and depends on age, weight, time since diagnosis, severity of symptoms, gender and more.
Hello! We didn't find 50 mg Superior Source sublingual B1. I bought the 100 mg and have been cutting them in half with a pill cutter. Is that OK?
That is correct. The smallest dose you can get from Superior Source is a quarter tablet 25 mg twice a week. When people find they need to go lower they usually change to EZmelts or Barimelts which are both 12.5 mg per tablet, and are hydrochloride and taste better than Superior Source. They are much larger tablets and you couldn’t put more than one under the tongue at the same time, making the maximum dose 87.5 mg per week when taken daily.
Thank you, Dap1948. I thought only the hydrochloride was not good for sublingual. I need to read the book again. Thanks so much for this information.
Superior Source sublingual B1 is mononitrate. It is okay to take this mononitrate sublingually because it doesn’t go through the digestion, though it is not recommended to take it orally. B1 hydrochloride is okay to take orally and sublingually. B1 mononitrate is slightly less water soluble than hydrochloride and in people who are susceptible, there is a small possibility of it causing kidney stones.
Is 100mgs of Thiamine Hcl too low to start with or should I take 200 mgs ?
Our current, slightly conservative recommendation for an oral B1 start dose based on people’s reports is currently 200 mgs B1 hcl daily. However, dose requirements are affected by many factors possibly including gender, weight, time since diagnosis, seriousness of symptoms and more. I would start on 200 mg. Good luck.
Hello Ma’am . Is it ok if I increase my Hcl to 300 mgs, as I don’t see any difference . It’s almost a month since I started the 200 mgs of Hcl.. please advise.
all the comments listed in reply to this post make the b1 therapy sound very complicated where in fact it is very simple and successful if you follow Daphne Bryans protocol and read her book from Amazon and watch her utube videos and interviews.
I understand that taking high dose of B1 would help with progression of PD and that sublingual forms didn't work (not absorbed sublingually. I was taking 500 mg 3-4 times per day but I didn’t feel that it did very much for my gate issues. Now I take 500 mg of Thiamine mixed with riboflavin b5, b6 and b12. I’m feeling fine as of late.
There are a lot of PwP that have success with sublingual on facebook.com/groups/parkins...
I dislike sublingual because of the hassle of holding under tongue.
Make sure your B6 is the P5P form. healthunlocked.com/cure-par...
La B1 sublingual viene en mononitrato y 100mgs 3 veces a la semana es una dosis considerable. En cambio si tomas pastillas que NO SEAN sublinguales, deberías elegir el clorhidrato.
Mi propia experiencia fue en clorhidrato 1500mg diarios y luego cambié a sublingual ( Superior Source ) 50 mg x 3 veces a la semana.
Deberías esperar 3 meses para evaluar mejoras aunque estas pudieran ser sutiles.
Ma’am I did not understand what your wrote ..I speak English. I am from USA
Ok. I use a Google Translator....
Sublingual B1 comes in mononitrate and 100mgs 3 times a week is a considerable dose. On the other hand, if you take pills that ARE NOT sublingual, you should choose the hydrochloride.
My own experience was on hydrochloride 1500mg daily and then switched to sublingual ( Superior Source ) 50mg x 3 times a week.
You should wait 3 months to evaluate improvements, even if they may be subtle.
Elliot Overton has some good info, but I don't recommend his PD B1 Protocols. I would recommend Dap1948 's Protocol and her fakebook group . As far as TTFD, it is too powerful for me. I have overdosed on as little as 12.5mg.
Elliot is big on TTFD, I would recommend caution.
We just finished a book called Parkinson's: The B1 Therapy by Daphne Bryan, PhD. It's available on Amazon. I read the most of te book one time and my understanding may not be perfect so PLEASE do your own reading instead of just taking my word. We only started it 3 days ago. That said, this is what I got out of the book:
She goes into finding the right dose which can take time. Like other parkinson's meds it takes time...go low and slow to find the sweet spot. No effect may mean it's not enough so try gradually increasing the dose. However, I also read that about 20% of PWP's are not responsive to B1 therapy.
If it makes symptoms worse, it's too much so stop for a week or two and restart at a lower dose. Also B- complex and magnesium may make it more effective. Please read the book because I might not have it entirely correct. Good Luck
Everybody's Sweet-Spot is unique. No correlation has been determined for age or weight.
I have started on 100gms of Thiamine Hcl . Now let’s see . Thank you 🙏🏼
Hi Springbreak I saw you start with 100 MG's of thiamine HCl
How you go?
Can you share the product name and quantity?
I am taking 200 mg B1 Hcl now. I get it from Amazon. The product name is Nature’s Way vitamin B1 100 mg per serving. The price is $9.49.100 capsules.
Thank you very much
i just ordered 2 bottles 100mg
how many per day should start any recommendations?