Anyone just starting with a Parkinsons diagnosis try using PS128? Did it help delay any symptoms? How has anyones experience been on PS128.
PS128: Anyone just starting with a... - Cure Parkinson's

I already replied to another post about the same question and will gladly do so again: I’m using it for 2+ years already and am very grateful, as I’m stable with no progress. Yes, I use other supplements as well, but I do feel the “difference” (primarily in bowel movements, but also brain fog, stability) when I couldn’t take it for a few days due to supply problems at my pharmacy, or when I travel, as it has to be kept in a fridge. Good luck, I think you’ll love it!
What form of ps128 are you taking? Neuralli?
I am using Neurax Biotic Spectrum from the company Neuraxpharm:
Hope this helps, all the best!
I tried it for 3 months and didn't feel any improvements. Plus very expensive.
I’ve been on it 3 weeks. Neuralli. No lasting improvement. Still trying.
PS128 is a variety of lactobacilus probiotic but probably won't help much if you're still eating a processed food diet full of refined carbs and seed oils.
any side effects like anxiety from boosting dopamine?
I used it for over a year before I stopped. It didn’t help. I was using Neuralli.
I've been using Neuralli PS128 for 2 years plus. Not sure if I can quantify any positive changes but I am sticking with it
We just started it with my Dad and we noticed a pretty big improvement in his mornings and even during his off periods he seems more alert and able to communicate better. He is in a different boat because he has had Parkinson's for 17 years. So I don't know about delaying it.
Similar to MAJ88 , I replied to a similar question in another post.
I’ve been getting PS128 for my Mom for the past year. While I can’t with certainty contribute current progress to PS128 but it does seem to be a factor here. We are seeing some slow down in progression of various symptoms including mobility and speech impediment. I can’t say that this is a cure and that we see radical changes for the best but a slow down in the progression of PD is still considered to be a win in my book.
As a word of caution, if you do start on it, please, monitor your potential side effects. Many users experience constipation at first but in most cases it improves within the first 2-3 weeks. It is suggested to take digestive enzyme about 30 mins prior to each meal when you start on PS128. It definitely helped my Mom.
I am not sure where you might be located but in the US, I’ve been buying from Bened life smaller distributor. It’a just slightly cheaper there. I spoke to the owner before and she is very passionate about this as her mother and aunt are both living with PD.
Best of luck to everyone starting on this journey & God Bless!