My husband started on probiotic PS128 a few weeks ago. He takes one first thing in the morning and one before bed. Each sachet contains 30 billion PS 128. In the clinical trial patients were taking it only at bedtime if I understand correctly. I have noticed he is not as slow and more alert. He is driving normally as opposed to snail travel.
In Asia, PS128 is available from ActivHealth: Multibiotics | Activhealth | Healthy Mind, Healthy Body.
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They are having a one for one promotion with expiry in December.
My husband has had stomach problems since 2004. The bloating and gas improved drastically with Miyarisan 588. Miyarisan is used in Japanese hospitals to treat H pylori.
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Thanks park_bear! I guess what I'm looking for (and I guess we all are) is does it stop progression. I know that is not enough for a lot of people, but it would be a heck of a start.
Whenever I see reports where UPDRS scores improved, I just wonder if they improve, and then go back to falling at the same rate they were before, or if they hold steady.
I know it can take awhile for people to be able to tell if they are holding steady. Until then, I have a pound of cinnamon from Cleveland that you recommended in the other thread arriving tomorrow. Looking forward to that.
The improvement in dexterity of my affected hand and arm, which I reported in my writeup, continues. This morning I used it to lift small stacks of dishes into my cupboard single-handed. Not sure when the last time I was able to do that was.
HI PARK, do you have any info on where or what COMPANY provides the best for the money home test for determining what you need to get your gut bacteria figured out?
I looked into them a while ago. Then I looked into accuracy information and the consensus seems to be that they aren’t as wonderful as they sound. This was just quick research on Dr. Google. But you could check it out again. That was my quick impression and probably not the best way to do these things. In-depth research is probably required.🙂
5/25 is 20% and 12/25 is almost 50% meaning almost 70% had improvement - just either greatly improved or mildly improved. It’s worth trying because it’s not a drug. You may just be the blessed 20%🙌
The problem to answer this question is that 2 weeks before starting Solace I increased thiamine from 100mg to 600/day. Now I am having more energy, less anxiety and overall better mood but it may be the result of thiamine increase.
the dose of solace is 2 capsules? Please confirm or correct me. I ask because I was taking 1 capsule/day for 3 months, with little to no benefit, so I stopped taking it. But if the dose in the trials was 2/day, I will try again...
One potential concern is that it contains several other strains, so even though it states there are 30 billion CFUs in each capsule, it's unclear (to me) how much PS128 is actually in each dose. Let me know if you have better luck figuring that out.
For those in Australia or NZ, Wikipedia states that "In 2020, Blackmores, an Australian health supplements company, announced plans to develop a PS128 product for the Australia/New Zealand market."
I didn't see that. I had to click the small blue tab " see more". It doesn't say how much of the PS-128 is in it though and there is only one rating. It looks like possibly only 5 billion CFU of PS-128, but it is difficult to tell the way they worded that description. Considering all of the other ingredients, 5 billion seems likely. Not much use when 60 billion is needed as it would be really expensive.
I think your best bet is to buy the PS 128 from
It is only S$10 for pack of 30 sachets with 30 billion in one sachet. You need 2 boxes for a month. It has been verified with the manufacturer that the product with expiry date in December can be stored in the freezer to extend its shelf life. I purchased a year’s stock which I stored in the freezer.
I also used one sachet to make yoghurt and that culture can extend your stock too except that I would not know how many billion is consumed in the yoghurt.
Thanks, but when I tried to buy some from wellbeingsg, which is in Singapore, I believe, there is no "United States" option for shipping. That's why I was still looking. I will try to ask them over WhatsApp.
When filling out the billing and shipping details what did you choose for "Country / Region"? It defaults to Singapore. The only other options are Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, and United Kingdom. I could fill out the forms and leave the default set to Singapore, but I don't think that will really work. The shipping price would be wrong for one thing.
which is why rebtar could place her order. The website originally did not have other options for countries. I gave them feedback that there was interest from other countries and they worked on the website so that people from other countries could order.
Hope that helps. If you have any questions pertaining to the product you can email Benedbiomed directly as other members of this forum have shared your answers here too which are a great help to everyone.
You can also what’s app them with your issues and they will respond quite quickly.
I did. This is their response:"Hi we are having some difficulties sending to USA due to the customs rejecting hence we're temporarily stopping now. But we're working to deliver in the future"
I was recommended the ACTIVE PS128+K21 for PD. We started with this which is passion fruit flavoured whereas the MIND is tasteless. Someone posted that Solace has been taken over by Benedbiomed so you may see a change in prices soon.
This is an interesting article on clostridium butyricum
The dose mentioned here is 2-18 tablets. They are very tiny
My husband used to take 9 a day and sometimes up to 15. Now take between 5-9. Definitively his gut biome is the main culprit.
Now that he is taking PS128 I have decreased it to 5 tabs in the afternoon. Wondering if I should add the balance 4 before bed.
Gio mentioned he only takes 3 and it helped with constipation. As I have mentioned before, my husband had gut issues for years with heaps of meds. Miyarisan resolved the bloating, indigestion and gas. He’s been on it 2 years?
I am thinking of kefir water to change the micro biome which would be cheaper than PS128 . But then we do not know if the kefir strain would really help. So far really happy with PS128 and looking out for more benefits
The first C. butyricum MIYAIRI strain was isolated from the feces of Dr. Chikaji Miyairi in Japan in 1933, and CBM 588 is the 588th MIYAIRI strain, isolated from a soil sample in Nagano, Japan, in 1963. Preparations based on CBM 588 have a long history of safe use in human populations in Asia, especially Japan, where such products are variously classed as pharmaceutical drugs, "quasi drugs", and OTC (Over The Counter) probiotics. The safe history of CBM 588 in human Asian populations is supported by various peer-reviewed publications and case studies dating back to 1963, including reports of CBM 588 use in severely-ill, immune-compromised and hospitalized patients, whose ages range from infants to elderly people, and include pregnant women.
Its usefulness stems primarily from its ability to interfere with the growth of highly pathogenic Clostridium difficile by antagonizing its multiplication.[4] It is often used in Japanese hospitals for C. difficile prophylaxis among in-patients and, particularly, during administration of certain powerful antibiotics (i.e.: Levofloxacin) associated with opportunistic C. difficile infection.
CBM 588 was approved for clinical use in humans by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1970. The standard preparation as marketed by Miyarisan Pharmaceutical (Tokyo, Japan) consists of white, marked tablets each containing 0.35 × 106 colony forming units (CFU) of C. butyricum MIYAIRI 588 (as active agent). CBM 588 does not establish permanently in the gut, in common with other orally administered probiotic bacteria. CBM 588 for clinical use is produced by submerged anaerobic fermentation followed by centrifugation, drying, blending and packaging.
The MIYAIRI 588 strain of C. butyricum does not carry any genes encoding any toxins and virulence factors associated with Clostridium or other enteropathogens.[5] Absence of neurotoxin production has been demonstrated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot hybridisation for type E botulinum toxin gene. The absence of genes encoding botulinum neurotoxin A,B,F and genes encoding non-toxic haemagglutinin (NTNH) and genes encoding Clostridium perfringens toxins (alpha, beta, epsilon and iota) has been demonstrated by PCR assay.
This strain is deposited at the Fermentation Research Institute, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Japan under the strain name Clostridium butyricum MIYAIRI 588 strain, deposit number FERM BP-2789. Recent European Food Safety Authority opinions confirm the official strain nomenclature as Clostridium butyricum FERM BP-2789.
I don't know if you saw a reply post I put up yesterday about pistachios, but you might consider giving him pistachios as a healthy snack as the study showed that pistachios increase butyrate producing bacteria in the gut and may work well with mannitol or xylitol which interact with these bacteria to produce more butyrate, which is low in PwP.
I posted this the other day on the mannitol thread :
I just wanted to mention how I take my xylitol and this may apply to mannitol also. Each morning I take a 500 ml bottle of water and drink one third of the bottle. Then I put my 16 to 17 grams of xylitol granules in the bottle, replace the cap and shake the bottle until the xylitol is fully dissolved. Then I top off the bottle with either orange juice or Gatorade. The xylitol or mannitol sweetens the mix to just about make it taste like orange juice or Gatorade again. I sip this bottle throughout the day.
The reason I do it this way is because this is essentially making the xylitol or mannitol as an all day time release formulation and I think this can do two things. It is likely to help reduce any gas issues and I don't think the body really handles so much xylitol or mannitol very well all at once. I think you are likely to get a better effect from either one this way and it is easy to do. It doesn't seem likely that either one is going to stay around all day in your system at useful levels if you drink your entire daily dose all at once in a morning cup of coffee, yet having it stay around all day seems like it would maximize the benefit of your daily dose of either one. I notice if I take my full dose of xylitol all at once in the morning, I can get significant gas, but when I do it this way, there is never any gas!
As a basic comparison, think what would happen if you take your entire C/L daily dose all in one dose per day. Spreading it out as evenly as possible throughout the day seems like it would be the much more effective approach. It seems like they could formulate the liquid C/L in a watered down version that could be sipped throughout the day to get a more balanced release of C/L that might offer increased on time and a reduced chance for dyskinesia???
If you want to try to be a little healthier, you can probably substitute real lemon juice for the orange juice or Gatorade.
You are spot on in your advice to spread out the dose of mannitol. Hubby and I went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary last night. I realized before we left that I hadn’t taken my mannitol. I through it in a bottle of water and downed it. I usually put it in something and sip through the day. The trip home was agonizing. The horrific abdominal pains had me wondering what I had eaten to cause it. Gas-X and several hours later I figured out one should not down Mannitol quickly.
Thank you for the feedback! This seems similar to my experience with xylitol. I guess that is the bodies way of saying, "don't do that again!!! Sipping it throughout the day has never given me a problem at all!
Tried putting 1/4 tsp of mannitol in his water and another 1/4 in afternoon and he still had stomach discomfort and so it looks like I will have to pass on the mannitol
Before you toss that idea out completely, you might consider putting the full half teaspoon in the full amount of water he drinks per day and let him try that for a day or two and if he still has issues, it is definitely time to toss mannitol out of his regimen.
I know it works well for xylitol, but I have never tried mannitol so if you could let us know if that resolves his gas issue that would be very helpful to know since he definitely has a gas issue with mannitol, but others have reported no issue with mannitol and gas, so for them, there is no way to test that aspect of mannitol dosing. I think spreading the dose out is also more likely to optimize the benefit of mannitol, for PwP.
Who knows? If we can just nip things in the bud and have improvement like with vitamin B1 it would be great. The results from PS128 is promising and worth trying now that we know about the gut brain connection.
Will any Miyarisan do the trick, or does it have to be Miyarisan 588? The Miyarisan for sale on Amazon has a different number. Does that really matter?
Also, for ps158, is this the correct product now? If so, I still wish they would list the ingredients:
I see the Solace version of it here, but at least it's ingredients appear to be only the L. Plantarum PS128 alone (whereas the ActivHealth product has more unidentified stuff in it):
I always buy the 1000 tablets which is labelled as strong.
As for the PS128, the ingredients are listed at the back of the box. The ingredients are listed as PS 128, K21, lactobacillus paracasei, passion fruit powder, galacto-oligosaccharide, isomalto-oliosacharide , indigestible maltodextrin.
It says Psychobiotic L plantarum PS 128 can significantly ameliorate anxiety and depression like behaviours, increase dopaminergic activity in brain and reduce stress induced elevation of serum corticosterone and inflammatory cytokine levels.
Metabolicbiotic L plantarum K21 can modulate immune responses in order to restore or prevent metabolic disorders caused by chronic inflammation.
I would attach a picture of the box but the icon does not appear here
So sorry to hear that. That sounds frightening. My husband relies so much on it. He takes it daily 2 sachets before bed and coincidentally when he forgets to take it he would trip over something or miss a step. 😬It seems like the PS 128 is clearing up something.
Perhaps taking it just before bedtime prevents any interference from food that we may have consumed.
Lately just got his gut micro biome analysed but have not had time to look at report thoroughly.
However his gut issues have improved with him eating 2 tablespoons of pomegranate seeds 3x a week if not daily. I read that pomegranates and cranberries increase the mucus in the gut and encourages the good bacteria akkermansia to flourish. Since taking it, his afternoon bloating has settled.
Correcting the gut micro biome may be the key to improving symptoms.
I was doing so well on it so I won't give up ! I have been trying to figure out what may have caused cessation of progress in my ps128. I realize that over the last 2 weeks I have not been regular. Do you know of any probiotics good for constipation ? Thanks for all the information in your posts.
Glad to hear that you were doing so well on PS 128. Indeed knowledge is not universal and if by sharing one’s experience we can help improve one another’s lives it’s worth being part of this forum.
It is important to note down what foods or meds you may have taken that could have affected your gut micro biome and set it back. What it means is that PS128 has to work at these barriers before you can re establish the right micro biome to get your gains back.
The other probiotic that helps with constipation is Miyarisan 588. It is clostridium butyricum and has numerous benefits. I did put up a post on this and you can click on my replies and find it. You can purchase it on Amazon Japan and is most reasonable there. There is no other product that contains clostridium butyricum.
There is also a potty stool sold on shopee that positions your body such that it facilitates the emptying of your bowels. I only recently came across it and my daughter who has constipation has glowing reports for it.
Hello NY,One box weighs 118 g. I do not know if they have stock but you can check on
I bought my one year’s supply and froze it when they were having clearance.
You can also make yoghurt with it to extend your PS 128 except that you must ensure that your yoghurt maker keeps it at around 37 C ( too hot at 39C and its all dead ) it takes about 15 hours to set. I am doing this so more family members can consume it to correct their micro biome. My mother who has been diagnosed with mild dementia is experiencing improvements with the coronet duo (started using mid January) and we started the PS 128 yogurt 2 weeks ago.
They will ship to you because Australia is on the list of countries that they ship to.
If the sachets are removed from the box it would take even less space.
Hi Millbrook, I viewed it last night and found that it was posted on Sept 4, 2021. I emailed Dr Liebert ( who is in charge of the trial just now but was told that the trial was completed already.
Though, the journalist did cover similar topics and I've since subscribed to it
I've found the freight cost from Singapore to Sydney is quite pricey and hence, I am wondering if you can do me a favor by letting me know the gross weight of say 30 sachets of the PS128 so I can put more in a FedEx Pak. (Though, I will leave one original flattened external box with literature for Custom purpose.)
By the way, is your husband taking the Mutibiotics Active (Green sachet) or Multibiotics Mind (Blue sachet)
I attached some photos but I do not know why they did not appear. 30 sachets weigh 83 g. With the box is 117 g. My husband takes the green one - ACTIVE
PS128 is back in stock. They sent me an email on their promotion. Buy 10 get 2 free. Shipping to UK, US, Canada, Australia & NZ, Philippines, Hongkong, Thailand.
In fact, I need to contact you as well as I intend to buy the blue "PSYCHOBIOTICS MIND - Psychobiotic PS128 plus Phosphatidylserine (PS)" or Activhealth - Multibiotics Mind PS128 - Probiotic for the Nervous System ( as Phosphatidylserine has more benefits to PD & brain as shown: ; .
I started on the green formulation but bought some blue during their clearance. They recommended the green for neuro conditions but essentially both are for the brain. The green did a great job and I have not started on the blue yet but I will try it on my mother who has mild dementia.
Please PM me if you need help getting the products.
Has anyone tried Neurax Biotic Zen to get their PD128? Trying to get it from WellbeingSG is so expensive! But I want to make sure am getting right strain. Thanks.
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