Anyone try PS128 which is a probiotic?
PS128: Anyone try PS128 which is a... - Cure Parkinson's

Briefly. I tried the Taiwanese brand, but I didn't sit well with my digestive system, so I stopped taking it. I still have several boxes of it left that I may never use........ I only tried it for a week, so I don't have much to say about it. Sorry!
Seems difficult to buy in UK and the product has quite stringent temperature requirements, which would be difficult to control, so put off from importing
See the webpage below. You will see that it needs to be kept between 4 and 7 degrees in a refrigerator. Whilst they say the product is sent in protective packaging, they seem to disclaim responsibility if it is exposed to lengthy warm conditions, and of course, you won’t know where it’s been on its journey. When I was considering this it was in warmer months when shipping would be more difficult.
My issue was I could try it, but if unsuccessful, I’d never know if it was because the product was ruined from the start?
Further to my earlier reply, I have more.
Some time ago I emailed Bened Biomedical, the patent holder, and received the following reply on storage:
“As for shipping and efficacy, you're right that lack of temperature control can negatively affect a probiotic's potency. The PS128 strain should always be refrigerated when possible. We know that is not always practical during shipping, so each of the products listed above include enough overage (extra PS128 above the amount guaranteed for each dose) for at least that amount left at their expiration date - even considering some shipping time at room temperature. Especially now that outside temperatures are cooler, the CFU count should not be decreased by much before the order reaches you.”
I think their Asian agent ships from Singapore so I contacted one of the European suppliers Neuraxpharm. They only sell in Italy and Spain, so I emailed their UK office and although a promise was given to investigate UK supply, nothing came back, despite chasing.
So there is some confidence about the product remaining in good condition, but I thought it would stand a better chance with a local supplier. As yet, I haven’t found one.
I have been using it for about 3 months. Wherever it was shipped from, and however long it was in transit, it came to me in a cooler and the ice packs were still intact and cold. This is the email message I got from them after inquiring about refrigeration.
PS128 has shown good resilience to higher temperatures, so it is not a problem if you leave it at room temperature for a while. This is what we found in our study:when refrigerated. PS128 survives almost unaltered for up to 2 years
at 77 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees above room temperature) for 30 days, 75% of the probiotics survived
at 99 degrees Fahrenheit, 50% of the probiotics survived after 15 days
I purchased through this site
Has it been helpful?
Good Morning,
I purchased six boxes from an Italian supplier early in 2021.
It is not the liquid form, it is the crystal micro granules form.
However, it is from the same company that performed the latest clinical studies with positive results.
My mother has not noticed any change, and she has been taking these for several months.
I am beginning my 3rd month of Solace PS128, and 2nd month of adding pickles to my daily routine. I notice reduced anxiety, better food and dopa absorption, more regularity, better mobility, and, less fatigue.
Yes, pickled. I eat at least one a day, no set time.