Good morning,
I am Italian and wanted to know if there is an Italian in my community who has already used red light devices.
Thank you
Good morning,
I am Italian and wanted to know if there is an Italian in my community who has already used red light devices.
Thank you
Hi AlbaChiara, in March 2021 I bought the TheraPad mat from and I didn't get any benefit from it, on the contrary the motor symptoms worsened with use. I haven't used it since. Consider that each of us has a different PD from the other in fact there are many pwp who benefit from red light, at least in the recent past.
Grazie per la tua tempestiva risposta e per la tua testimonianza. È vero ognuno di noi reagisce diversamente alle cure e …ai dispositivi.👋
però abbiamo qualcosa che ci accomuna: moriremo tutti allo stesso modo.😂
Ma anche no!!
Un saluto da Monza Brianza😃
Questa è l’unica luce rossa che mi piace usare
Hi Gio’, how are you? Yes is the also one that works.
this post discusses my husband and others using the red light hat. He uses it 20. minutes every day.
Thank you for your very welcome and motivating reply. Congratulations on the drawings created by your husband. A hug