Someone had shared an interactive spreadsheet they created that allowed a user to input doses of levodopa to see peak dose, wearing off, etc. I've been searching with keywords but can't find it. Can anyone give me a link? It was posted last year, I believe.
Excel spreadsheet that tracks a levodopa ... - Cure Parkinson's
Excel spreadsheet that tracks a levodopa dose?

I think that this is what you want:
Wow that looks very interesting but its abit over my head??? Something like that would be good but it looks abit complicated to me
If the app appears complicated, that is my fault. I would like using the app to be as easy as possible, usable by anyone on this forum. Is it the theory that goes over your "head"? Or is it the data entry that is complicated? Or is it the interpretation of the results that is difficult? Please let me know so that I can make the necessary changes.
No John, it's pretty easy to fill in. It is useful to know exactly what you are measuring, but if all goes well, most of us have to be quite familiar with the matter. It is an ideal tool to optimise the amount and time of the dosage in order to prevent too large falls and peaks resulting in all possible side effects. Thank you so much for this!
Quite different with the 'Side to side tap test'. After some failed attempts over the past year, I finally succeeded today ! Pfff. Also such a handy control tool. Thanks again!