As many of you know after years being on HDT I am currently adjusting my dose (levodopa and thiamine hcl).
I stopped B1 and restarted several days later at different dose. I adjusted the time I take levodopa. One thing I’m trying to do is improve tremor control. Tremors affect my sleep and thus my concentration.
Last night I did not take my night doses of levodopa. Tremors were out of control. At two o’clock in the morning I turned to THC, dose of 25mg capsule. By three o’clock I could not move from the waist down. Wife had to pull me out of bed for me to go pee. She handed me the walker and I slowly made the round trip. She placed me back in bed where I went back to sleep. I awoke at 8 a.m. fully recovered from the frightening experience. The marijuana did allow me to sleep but in the future I’ll stick with levodopa for tremors.