Hi folks,
After reading the excellent article posted four months ago by Sydney75 (link below), it got me thinking about a few things...
2 years post-diagnosis I'd still say anxiety is my main issue. Motor stuff not giving me too many headaches (thankfully) right now - exercise, nutrition, meditation regime seem to be helping.
Particularly interesting that Levodopa doesn't appear to have any positive impact on anxiety, and may indeed make worse by affecting Serotonin and NE levels!
Also of interest is that Anti-Depressant type Meds can exacerbate other PD symptoms.
Leaving herbal type remedies (along with Music, Meditation, Yoga, Massage, etc) looking like a good option.
Wonder what some of you good people have found works for this? The article listed a few like Ginko Biloba, Lavender, Passion Flower.
Thoughts appreciated!
Best wishes,