Hi, all! My 75-year-old dad has recently been diagnosed with PSP. He has suffered intermittently with depression and anxiety since his 30s. He has been on anti-depressants that whole time, but benzos only intermittently. Most of the last 40 years the medication has controlled his bouts of depression, but the last 3 years things have progressively gotten worse. In the last three years he has gotten intermittent ECT's, happening weekly at present -- and recently has been diagnosed with PSP. As of the last few months he has severe debilitating anxiety that only lets up when he's sleeping. He takes benzos three times a day, anti-depressants, PSP meds, nausea pills...
He has been seeing a neurologist and psychiatrist for the last 3 years, and no one seems to be able to find anything that works to get him any relief. The doctors just keep saying they don't know what to do next. It's hard for me to believe that no one else out there has ever experienced this with one of their loved ones, so I'm reaching out here trying to find someone out there that can maybe give us an idea of what to do next. My father is well-loved and taken care of by us all. My mom is an angel. He doesn't ever want to be left alone, and she stands by his side 24/7 so he doesn't have to be. Please help if you have any ideas.