So I posted about this remarkable preliminary study that seems to show 1 gram of curcumin twice a day for a year actually improves motor and non-motor symptoms AND reduces the A-Syn detected in the skin. That seems pretty amazing (but it was a small study): The Effect of Curcumin on Idiopathic Parkinson Disease: A Clinical and Skin Biopsy Study
According to the original paper the version of curcumin that crosses the BBB is the Meriva which is made with phospholipids.
According to this paper, Most curcumin can't cross the BBB: Neuroprotection by curcumin: A review on brain delivery strategies
From what I can find, you need the Meriva version to get the curcumin to the brain.
I found 2 Meriva products:
Thorne Curcumin Phytosome 1000 mg (Meriva) $51 for 120 500 mg capsules
Now for some good news! I found some cheap Doctor's Best Curcumin Phytosome with Meriva: $35 for 180 500 mg capsules. Take four a day, that is 2 grams a day, 45 day supply for $35. $24 a month!