Drooling sucks especially when you wake up with a wet pillow...which usually occurs mid to late stage pd. You can drink/eat pineapple which contains bromelain.. that acts to "dry" out the salivary gland which is controlled by the the parasympathetic/autonomic nervous system which ultimately becomes compromised from pd...imo .....try this before you get botox injected intoo the glands...botox is hit and miss, and does not feel good, i got it in my neck which i can no longer hold up very well after botox which i dc'd...it might make it better it might make it worse and is uncomfortable to say the least imo ... try pineapple first. i am not a dr im just passing on what others and myself have done that seems effective and is a naturral solution..get you meds from natures food before trying more drastiic solutions imo. hang tough...till you cant...then do something else...cheers 2am'ers....
Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame!
William Butler Yeats