Weaning off one antidepressant and onto another I experienced symptoms that felt like I needed a fix. Initially I had some relief when I took a dose of Sinemet. Neurologist suggested increasing dose (low) to 4x daily. After 3 weeks symptoms seem worse. Haven’t actually seen neurologist he made these suggestions after talking to my psychiatrist. All communication with them has been by phone. I’m getting worse and it’s taken over my life. Anyone else
How can you tell if you are taking too mu... - Cure Parkinson's
How can you tell if you are taking too much sinemet vs too little. Did experience any of these new symptoms til I switched antidepressant.
My main symptom is motor impairment. Too much Sinemet makes my affected leg stiff and hard to walk on. Too little Sinemet and my affected leg is "too loose" and does not respond well to my intentions.
It is also possible to discern whether one has too much or too little by when the symptoms occur during the medication cycle - if your symptoms are at their worst when you are due for the next dose that indicates too little. If your symptoms are worst when your levels are peaking, between doses, that indicates too much.
Thanks for this. I am so grateful for all the knowledge and experiences people take the time to share.
So my lay person understanding is antidepressants are changing serotonin and possibly norepinephrine or other neurotransmitters depending on the type. It can take almost a year to adjust to a change in antidepressants as messing with serotonin is pretty serious. Whereas, Sinemet is mainly changing dopamine and is much quicker.
If your neurotransmitters get out of balance with each other you can have all sorts of symptoms.
Things like anxiety or insomnia from too much dopamine or poor movement and cramps from too little. Also, depression or mania from changing serotonin, or if your serotonin is higher now you might need a different dopamine dosage to balance things. People sometimes complain of brain zaps when coming off of some antidepressants.
Be careful, as messing with these drugs too quickly can cause serotonin syndrome, and I’d keep a symptom log and keep updating your neuro for any ideas.
Wow. Lots to think about. Thanks for sharing.
I agree with LeharLover62. I had read something about it but I wasn't sure how to explain it. I know also you should never try to stop PD meds on your own. Always check with your neurologist. There is something called Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. I'm not sure if it relates to Serotonin Syndrome or not. They are both extremely dangerous.🥊
Thanks lag lag. Appreciate your thoughts on this.