I hope all are well,
I finished my near infra red light therapy helmet. I am not diagnosed but have all the signs of developing parkinson's at 58 except the tremor so I am trying to be proactive. I added a pwm controller from Amazon that pulses the light at 40 hz which is seen as the most therapeutic.
Adjustable Signal Generator amazon.com/dp/B07W229NVP/re...
I share my experience as an amateur so I can not recommend this as a therapy though there are FDA approved devices for sale. This link explains options and the science known so far.
My goal, as is everyone's, is to slow or halt the process which this seems to have done anecdotally. The hat from the men's shed in Australia was about $300. I spent that much on parts as the 670nm and 810nm led strips I used are very expensive. I have some left over though to make a pad for other parts of the body.
If you are not too handy, they ship from the Dorset Community Men's Shed in Australia to anywhere if you are interested. Look them up on Facebook to buy one from them.
He emailed about 10 pages of studies and articles about near infra red light therapy. It looks promising and is undergoing clinical trials, all of which seem to be really positive. They sell the helmets to raise money though I see the cost as being reasonable for the material prices.
My only issue with the bucket type unit is that it being slightly cone shaped instead of tubular the led strips didn't lie flat like the do on the Cossack version (see link above) and the higher NM lights get warm in the closed bucket. The Cossack version DIY is also naturally vented. I will be adding holes for ventilation in the bucket. As is always suggested, run this past your doctor. I personally couldn't find any risks associated with this except the chance of 40 hz light triggering people with seizure conditions but my search is not exhaustive.
Bonus, I think I can wear it on Halloween without being giggled at.