Troubling finding about the Covid-19 Delt... - Cure Parkinson's

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Troubling finding about the Covid-19 Delta Variant

pdpatient profile image
18 Replies

Read on:

The danger is not over yet.


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pdpatient profile image
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18 Replies
Robert3 profile image

Next to the mainstream, people deal with the danger

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to Robert3

Robert, What do you mean by, "Next to the mainstream, people deal with the danger"

A lot of people on this forum take Amantadine and so are quite familiar with it.

The author asserts, "Amantadine hydrochloride is a groundbreaking change in the matter, as so far it is the only drug which directly inhibits the development of the virus and its impact on the body." yet he offers no studies, no data, not even an explanation as to what it's mechanism of action would be to kill COVID-19, so why would anybody submit to such a therapy?

It's hard for me to imagine why anyone who got COVID would believe a dopamine agonist would cure them.

I believe what is happening here is that there are doctors all over the world who run into covid patients, give them a drug and the patient recovers, so the doctor gives that drug to several more covid patients who recover (in different degrees) and the doctor wants public recognition for being a wizard for discovering a cure.

It is the difference between proving causation and drawing conclusions from associations.

Godiv profile image
Godiv in reply to MBAnderson

I agree with you Marc. Apparently that medication is somehow associated with the flu or usage for the flu or some thing but that’s different from Covid. I feel like folks are trusting everything that they’re reading any these days anything everything. If it appears on Facebook is true sort of thing? Not trying to insult anyone. I’m just worried about all this potential misinformation. Members of my family are intrigued by the alternate theories. And that’s fine it’s good to explore other opinions and options, but you really just have to check your sources and dig into who is behind those sources. I tend to go for scientific consensus.

Robert3 profile image
Robert3 in reply to MBAnderson

There is now much evidence from around the world of the effects of Amantadine on the virus. For example

Two clinical trials are currently underway in Poland. One when patients are taking Amantadine in early stage of Covid and the second in advanced stage. We'll see

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to Robert3

The study you linked to is an in vitro of a model of PD ("The 'Vero' lineage was isolated from kidney epithelial cells extracted from an African green monkey...") That's a long way from a therapy for Covid. I hope it works. We'll see.

Robert3 profile image
Robert3 in reply to MBAnderson

I found last year's article which is not proof but makes you wonder about the effects of Amantadine which was originally developed as an antiviral drug:

MBAnderson profile image

From John Hopkins

"The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that health-related misinformation and disinformation can dangerously undermine the response to a public health crisis. Contradictory messaging and active subversion have reduced trust in public health responders, increased belief in false medical cures, and politicized public health measures aimed at curbing transmission of the disease. Setbacks in the COVID-19 response have highlighted that health-related misinformation or disinformation can lead to more infections, deaths, disruption, and disorganization of the effort. The public health response and communication environment in the United States have been disrupted by significant distrust in government, exacerbated by confusing and conflicting messages from leaders. As a result, information voids have developed, easily filled by false or misleading information and directly targeted by perpetrators of disinformation. Taken together, the spread and consequence of public health misinformation and disinformation can lead to a range of outcomes that have national security implications and require effective response."

Despe profile image

I believe COVID is strictly a medical and personal issue not relating to this site and PD.

Why are going there again?

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to Despe

I took down the thread I started in deference to you and Bolt's concern that our difference re Covid not be aired again.

You are not asking /suggesting I not respond to other's threads are you?

Despe profile image
Despe in reply to MBAnderson

Actually, it is up to the administrator not to post anything concerning COVID. Let everyone decide for themselves without being influenced by media. I don't try to convince anyone not to get the jab, on the contrary forum members including yourself post articles from papers that support "vaccination."

FDA never approved it is a "vaccine."

Respectfully and sincerely, why post Covid info on a Parkinson’s forum? I understand we are or may be at greater risk but we are also at greater risk of other ailments and they are not discussed. To a great extent It is a devisive political issue which fragments this otherwise pretty unified forum.

in reply to

I was wondering the same thing.

pdpatient profile image
pdpatient in reply to

I too respect your sensitivity and your sentiments but I don’t think that it’s wrong to discuss and debate what the consequences of the vaccination confusion can be for you and me. The conversation so far on this thread has been informative, respectful and understanding as well as restrained which is exactly what we need to give us all the perspective we need to keep safe and alive. I think that the discussion has been polite she far and Marc and others have been quite respectful and responsible as always. So, what are we worried about? That we might hurt the sensibilities of those who can’t stand honest criticism of the people responsible for our safety?

This is a very grave life and death matter and we’re not going to let bullies smother our freedom of speech with decorum. Hopefully this assuages your apprehensions, cclemonade.


in reply to pdpatient

Bullies? I’m not aware of any bullies and that is quite a label to give someone.I only know of devoted spouses and caring people and PWP who are here to learn about Parkinson’s.

Parkinson’s is stressful enough.

I do not agree with your position on this but I respect you and appreciate your contributions on this forum.

Onward and upward.

ryzlot profile image

The ko-vid jabs (it is NOT vaccine) have side effects that are neurologically similar to Parkinson's - so it is prescient to have concerns that submitting to this very populace treatment could affect PD patients. There is inordinate pressure to conform to the jab - something unparalleled by any other global initiative.

That is why we need to discuss it here.


in reply to ryzlot

Valid point

b-bobble profile image

I appreciate PDP responses/reactions to the China virus vaccine. I haven't taken it yet and need more info.

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