Remind me what causes it, is it lack of dopamine? I get Botox in feet and lower legs I don't get cramping in legs, but toes seem to curl once in a while, I ate to soon after I took my pills. So I had to use my Inbrija ,84 mg. and it stopped. I'm trying not to use to much, I don't like the idea of inhaling something into your lungs. I was thinking how scary it would be if I didn't have the Botox for cramping, my lower legs would cramp bad it was painful. I take magnesium, B1, melatonin, C. Thank you, Maria
Toes curling: Remind me what causes it, is... - Cure Parkinson's
Toes curling

You have answered your own question - Inbrija put a stop to the toes curling, thereby demonstrating it was a lack of dopamine.
Hi Maria. @park_bear is right in concurring with your own assessment and I second the hypothesis. An MDS would of course make the final call 🤔
I am curious, why Inbriga? I hope that you are seeing an MDS and not a general Neurologist.
I can literally watch my toes uncurl as the meds start to work. It’s lack of dopamine in my case.
Avoid acidic foods . Squeezing a lemon in a glass of Lukewarm water and drinking an hour before bedtime helps alot.Avoid nuts like walnuts and animal protein. Avoid coffee. Eating leafy green vegetables can also help immensely.
Did you ever try Magnesium oil instead of Botox? Are you taking any kind of Magnesium supplements?
I use lotion but I'm out ,the oil makes me itch, I was thinking of trying to make some lotion, it might be more economical.
lack of dopamine. I also have this problem if I take meds too soon after eating protein containing meal.
Me too but only for About15 minutes in the morning waiting for my meds to kick in after that no problems
Toe curling is among my most aggravating symptoms. It wakes me up in the morning and barely stops at night. I also use a toe separator called “correct toes” which is currently keeping my sanity. I’m using mucuna for dopamine but still at a low dose.....
I have a toe separator called “correct toes” it’s excellent
Dystonia. ....
Normally when I wake up in the mornings my left toes tingle and sometimes curling. I take 1 gram of B1 Thiamin hcl and discomfort stops within 15 minutes. I have breakfast and about an hour later I take my first carbidopa levidopa. 15 minutes later my toes start curling. I take another gram of B1 and the curling stops. I basically take my meds according to how my body feels. I take anywhere between 1 gram to 3 grams of B1 a day. Sometimes I take my 3rd c/l before bed. For sleeping I take Trazodone 50 mg tablet and I sleep very well. Without it, I'm awake most of the night.