GM I am new here. I was diagnosed in 2016. I am taking Sinemet 2 tablets day and Rasagline. My only pain is my right foot is beginning to curl its toes. Any suggestion?
Toes Curling: GM I am new here. I was... - Cure Parkinson's
Toes Curling

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I have toe curling too. It started about 2 years before I was diagnosed while walking and was relieved when I started meds. It's dystonia; I have started to experience again some mornings before I take my meds, a painful curling of toes on my left foot. I would discuss your med dosage with your doctor. It may be your dopamine is dwindling and you may need to adjust you meds.
This happens to me sometimes while hiking. If I walk barefoot for a bit that seems to relieve it.
From my experience , the remedy for dystonia is here:
I had it (exertional dystonia)for 5 years and after 2-3 months of training in Dr Farias website, I was recovered from toes dystonia.
I'm glad you shared your experience as I know that had been a tough symptom for you for a long time!
My dear friend Art. Thank you for your kind words.
Like you said, it was my main problem for the past 5 years and that had interfered with my cycling and fast walk. Now I am really greateful of finding Dr Farias and finally finding a solution.
I not only recommend this online programme to people with PD but even healthy individuals . I call it “consciousness practice”.
Thanks again
I had emailed Dr. Farias and asked him specifically if his program helps people that experience dystonia related to PD. He was not 100% sure that it would have great effects with PD dystonia. I am SO happy to hear it does!!!! I don't have toe curling yet, but it's one of the biggest things I fear (and dystonia in general). I have had two dystonic storms in the past (4 years ago) and it was so painful, I'm still afraid of next time. Thanks for brightening my day! Living with PD is so much more bearable when you can do something to help yourself.
I recommend looking in to Botox. Expensive but usually covered by insurance and is now widely used for a number of issues. I have gone for treatment for two years now and have had success with toe curling so I no longer limp.
I had painful toe curling year 2 and 3 but it's gone and i believe the B1 was the remedy for me. Meditation has also been a big healing factor in reduction of symptoms. At year 5-6 most my symptoms are so mild and only show up for about 1 to 2 hours a day now which include a super mild tremor and some gait disturbance, but minor now. No meds, but i do take Mucuna.
I use an inexpensive little device I got on ebay or amazon. Check out "gel toe spacers". I slip it over my bare toes and then put my socks and shoes on. It keeps my toes flattened and separated and I don't even know its on them. If you don't find it let me know and I will try to post a picture.
This is one of my main problems with PD. I was diagnosed June of 2015 and my toes clenching can drive me crazy at times. I am doing the High Dosing with B1 and this brings relief for me. My daily regimen consists of 1 Gram of B1 (Thiamin Hydrochloride) around 7am. About 4 hours later I start my C/L and Selegiline and within 30 minutes my toes start clenching. I take another dose of B1 and the clenching and burning stops within 30 minutes. Then later I take my C/L and everything repeats.
It could be hammer toe
I ;have had great success with a product called Biofreeze. You apply it with a roller applicator and in five minutes or so the pain is gone and lasts several hours sometmes more. Available from Amazon I believe.
I agree with Roy that B 1 will help, as it does with everything! You can also buy small silicone supports which have a silicone circle to go around each or three toes and a pad that sits underneath the toes and supports them I find that makes a huge difference to my comfort. It also doesn’t take any more room in shoes, so you don’t end up with tight shoes.