High homocysteine concentration in the blood is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Therefore, homocysteine-lowering strategies are being investigated for their ability to reduce the risk of CVD. Nutrients involved in the metabolism of homocysteine include folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, riboflavin, and choline.
Homocysteine-lowering strategies - Cure Parkinson's
Homocysteine-lowering strategies

Thank you for this. Been battling hh for past 2 years. Appreciated.
What the study doesn't address, is that many people, mostly of English/Irish decent, cannot metabolize B12 and Folate, unless is methylated. (Before 23AndMe which we joined years ago to monitor health concerns), we were both sure we were German and French. It turns out we were both English/Irish. Our B12 levels were very low. We take methylated B12 and Folate.
Good point.I amnot German , French or Irish but have MTHFR SNPs and similar SNPs for B12. Sensetive to Methylfolate and Methylated B12 but highly responsive to Folinic Acid and low dose Hydroxo B12 . I love Folinic Acid and taking it every night and Hydroxo B12 once weekly 200mcg.
Thank you for posting. I knew about the other co-factors but hadn't realised riboflavin was so important (although having checked, it is in my multi so am getting a reasonable level). Am only hetero MTHFR but also COMT which affects methylation, and homocysteine-methionine cycle is also affected by MTR snp. Using methyl folate (divided dose into 3 times a day which seems to work better) and methylcobalamin. Best wishes
From my experience Riboflavin exacerbates PD symptoms . I don’t take as supplement but from my daily foods.