Hi fwes- I was reading some old posts on coconut oil and you were very positive about it- are you still taking it? How are you doing in general? Can anyone else comment as I am starting to take the oil... I was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's I'm 53... thanks
Follow up on Coconut oil- MCT?: Hi fwes- I... - Cure Parkinson's
Follow up on Coconut oil- MCT?

Welcome! I've been taking 2-3 Tbls of coconut oil for about 10 yrs. I was diagnosed in 2003 at the age of 46. I feel I'm not as stiff & have an overall better feeling.
I take less MCT (~1 tsp / day and about 1 tsp of Hemp oil) daily with an avocado. I found Hemp oil first and it helps with cramps and stiffness. I have not taken larger doses as never felt the need. The first thing I noticed was my thinking speed was/is still faster than it has been in a long time. Diagnosed 2013 ,71 now.
Watch this Doctor tell her story of use on her husband suffering from Dementia, now deceased. If it is not in this shorter video it is in the longer one you should see in the YouTube list. Ketotic diet also mentioned.
She mentions a peak about 90 minutes after ingestion, then a tapering down with coconut oil vs MTC having a shorter period of efficacy IIRC
She also has a blog with a series of videos.
Still on CO, 4T in large mug of coffee each morning. I am now 82, first PD symptoms in 2005, taking CO since2011. I still stand by everything that I have written about the benefits of CO for my PD. Thanks for rattling my cage.
Had my right hip replaced 2weeks ago. After 2 very painful years, it's great not to hurt. I still have a couple of months of Rehab ahead me. I feel that I owe this community an update on CO and my PD. I will try to get a better report out in the next couple of months. Important pointers: (1) There are scientific reasons why CO probably WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU if you are taking a statin drug, (2) While we have met many people whose PD symptoms are significantly reduced by CO, we have also heard from many who are statin free and seem to get no benefit. I never claimed that CO is a miracle cure.
Are there any others here who have tried coconut oil -OR- MCT oil (made from coconut oil) - OR - BHB (Beta-hydroxybutyrate) for PD? How were your results?