I know EMFs have been discussed on this site before. There is an award winning documentary on YouTube or Amazon: "Take Back Your Power", that is a must for everyone who suffers from chronic disease. I take that back. It is a must for everyone!
Are your cell phones dangerous? Is your ... - Cure Parkinson's
Are your cell phones dangerous? Is your wifi dangerous?

The answer to both of these questions is no.
Where are you getting your information? From the companies that sell you the services? There are over 28,000 studies that show the detrimental, health effects of Wi Fi.
I'm getting my information from a electric engineering degree and 12 years working for one the largest providers of routers. 😀. There is no evidence it is bad for your health. The frequencies and power are too low. It's the same as microwaves. I see these stories and reports from time to time but they're largely nonsense.
You might want to see: "Take Back Your Power" on YouTube. As far as I am concerned, they have a ton of factual information. They also have no vested interest.
I dont know where you get the 28,000 studies on cell phones from. Can you enlighten me.
bepo do you use a microwave or do you have a cell phone and use wifi?
Look at the documentary, " Take Back Your Power. I fought smart meters and was able to keep my analogue meter. I am also fighting 5G. We haven't used a microwave for years. We put our cell phones in airplane mode and turn off WiFi every night. We have direct wired our printer and plan on direct wiring our computers, when the weather warms up. (That means connecting under the house.) We have our headboard facing away from the wall.) With Parkinson's, there are enough problems without EMF interference. We also use a PEMF mat.
Yes I watched the video.
I see you can’t live without wifi. I presume you have research to support your ideas on keeping safe, or is it just wishful thinking. If it really is dangerous Is some exposure safe or are you just willing to take the risk.
28,000 studies on cell phones and smart meters, most indicating health impacts, can't all be wrong.
Theres also documentary on YouTube saying the world is flat from people with no vested interests. I haven't seen the documentary you mentioned but it seems to be about power meters which I dont know much about so I wont comment on that. What I will say is that Mobile phones and wifi networks are safe. I know I wont change your opinion on this but I just want to give the alternative opinion to others reading. If you're interested in why I believe they're safe you can Google some articles on it debunking the claims they're unsafe.
That is.........if you trust Google. Many natural therapies have been blocked from Google and Facebook.
Out of interest, what do u consider a trustworthy source?
Greenmedinfo, or sayer Ji, Life extension, Dr. Robert Rowen, Md, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Phd, Robert F. Kennedy,dr julian whitaker, PubMed, etc.
From a quick Google they seem to all anti vaccers and believe that vaccines cause autism, something that has been completely debunked on many occasions.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was studying artificial intelligence until she 'jumped ship', and decided to try to discover why autism was increasing at such a rapid rate. She shows a direct correlation with the increase in vaccinations and the increase in autism. Those who dispute this premise have direct or indirect paybacks from the pharmaceuticals.
There has been so much research on this conclusively debunking this. I sure you're aware of the origins of the original paper that was proven to be incorrect and retracted by most of it authors. Its unfortunate that funding and scientists time is wasted on disproving an nonsense theory. You seem to have something fundamental against the pharmacy industry. Sure they're priority is money but without them thered be a lot more death people and ultimately if there ever is a cure for Parkinsons itll likely be due to research and funding from this industry.
Give me an example of when a pharmaceutical has CURED a chronic disease?
Are you really implying that pharmaceutical companies are only interested in making money and that the millions of people who have worked for them over the years have also had this shared this opinion and that is why there is no cure? Surely a more reasonable thought is that the human body is extremely complex and its very hard to solve the puzzle to fix these diseases. If you still looking for examples, how about the vaccine for polio. I know you dont believe in vaccines but polio has been pretty much eliminated thanks to this vaccine. Vaccines are very effective and work. Also look at all the cancer treatments that have been developed. Many forms of cancer are no longer a death sentence.
Show me where the original paper was debunked. If we were to let people choose whether they had vaccinations or not, and most chose not to get those vaccinations, it would destroy the pharmaceutical industry, and therefore the economy. They have a lot to lose.
Here's one the many articles on dr andrew wakefield
I know you'll probably say the guardian is left wing propaganda just Google the doctor and read anything about him.
And here's a Danish study of 600000 kids showing no link:
I know several people, personally, whose children suffered from autism after MMR. Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a reputable scientist with nothing to gain financially from her research of many years. I question clinics and doctors who do their own research and are potentially backed and funded by the pharmaceuticals.
Our very good friends (she is a nurse) had their first son vaccinated and declined vaccinations with their second.
When No 1 son was 12 months old and due for a booster shot, he developed a cold and didn’t have the booster till he was 14 months old. By this time he could walk and talk.
Some time after the vaccination (can’t remember how many hours) their son developed a fever for 2 or 3 days and was hospitalized.
Unfortunately he couldn’t walk or talk any more. He was later diagnosed with autism.
Our friends know that the autism was caused by the reaction to the immunization.
I also trust, for the most part, the Environmental Working Group. When they stated that stainless steel does not leach out lead and cadmium, I believe other tests show that they do indeed leach lead and cadmium. Both George and I are high in both lead and cadmium. It is not from our water, which we have tested.
Hi Bepo! I have also read that FM doctors recommend stainless steel pots and pans for cooking, not cast iron! I do use Pyrex as often as I can.
I don't have WIFI enabled on my cell prone but still, I have attached an EMF protector which I have also attached to my computers (only one WIFI) and microwave oven. One can't keep up with technology and harm coming from it.
I am trying to get my utilities company to take down the 5G meter and reinstall the analogue one, but I haven't succeeded so far! I can not talk to a human voice on the phone. Have to pay a personal overdue visit, I guess.
An interesting analysis that points the way to the need for more research. Interestingly there appears to have been little research on combined RF emissions. Noted particularly the comments on fertility and that there has been nothing done to separate any EMF damage from the more likely effect of hormones in drinking water as a result of oral contraception byproducts - as seen in some fish.

Thanks for that paper. It's a good read.

The DC District Court of Appeals heard a case on Jan 17, 2020, whereby the telecommunications industry falsified information given to the rate payers. The documentary, "Take Back Your Power" on smart meters and cellphones is an award winning 30 minute presentation. As Parkinson's patients, do you really need more neurological interference?
We need to worry about things that have the greatest effect on our wellbeing and longevity. We need to be taking part in research that will either improve quality of life or bring about a cure. We have no need, on top of everything else, to worry about every little thing. We are generally not as paranoid here in the UK and length of life appears to be increasing ( ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulation... ). If we were so beset through all the problems people see as being in their lives we should be moving backwards in longevity.

Our world, through technology, has changed drastically. One can be preventative in preventing further cell damage by education. EMF's are not trivial.

Thank you for posting. For another point of view, see YouTube:" Take Back Your Power."
I have to say I give more credence to reviewed and published papers than YouTube videos.

Before you make that decision, how do you know there are not scientific studies to back up the YouTube, "Film of the Year", Documentary on smart meters "Take back your power"?
Youtube video is not the vehicle for publishing research. Peer reviewed research is published in journals. It is open to you to take onboard what you see in YouTube videos but, sorry, not for me.

Summary from the link you provided. "People should take steps to limit their exposure to ionizing EMFs, by wearing sunscreen, for example."
Here is a myth debugged!
What a misleading summary. Without the definition of ionising radiation. It is not that which as been talked about in this thread:
Fields of ionizing radiation have higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths.
The energy from this type of radiation can remove electrons from atoms, including those comprising water and living tissue.
This breaks chemical bonds.
In the human body, high doses of ionizing radiation can prompt unstable atoms called free radicals to cause oxidative damage.
Some more common sources of ionizing radiation are gamma rays, which can help treat cancer, and X-rays.
Visible light exists toward the middle of the spectrum, marking the dividing line between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
Non-ionizing EMFs have a longer wavelength and a lower frequency. They cannot break chemical bonds.
Non-ionizing fields are present in many natural and manufactured forms.
Some sources of non-ionizing EMFs include:
radiofrequency radiation, as in many communication devices
ultraviolet radiation, as in tanning beds
infrared radiation, as in heat lamps”