Just Bought the Coronet Helmet - Is IR Da... - Cure Parkinson's

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Just Bought the Coronet Helmet - Is IR Dangerous?

Alock2020 profile image
31 Replies

I saved my pennies and just bought the supposedly miraculous Wellread Infrared Coronet Helmet, and have just discovered multiple articles that say that Infrared Light is dangerous and can cause damage to the eye.

I feel like a fool. Does anyone have a solid opinion on this product?

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Alock2020 profile image
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31 Replies
Alock2020 profile image

here's a link I forgot to post in the article


park_bear profile image

Per the linked article infrared damage is caused when the infrared is so strong it causes heating. Examples given were furnace workers and glass blowers. The infrared emitted by the Coronet is not that strong.

Hirric profile image

Anecdotal response only, but have been using the WellRed Coronet for approximately 10 months with no detrimental impact on eyesight.

PDbeater profile image
PDbeater in reply to Hirric

Likewise, I have been using the coronet for over two years with no apparent amissues.

Hetke profile image
Hetke in reply to Hirric

And do you have any good result with it?

Hirric profile image
Hirric in reply to Hetke

It had an immediate impact in reducing a feeling that my throat was sore and swollen. Have also used it effectively to relieve muscle pain after exercise. I use it twice a day, and in conjunction with the Symbyx PD Care laser. Most realistic prospect anyone can hope for is slow progression. The use of such devices is just part of a broader regimen to that end (along with a commitment to exercise, the adjustment of diet, and supplementation).

Dabaa profile image
Dabaa in reply to Hirric

Thank you. Could you kindly elaborate about diet?

Hirric profile image
Hirric in reply to Dabaa

Essentially, the MIND diet or a gradual transition towards aspects of that . Plenty of links on this site about it and some effective advocates. My personal response over the last year or so has emphasised things like no cheese, no diary (other than homemade yoghurt fortified with probiotic), loads of fruit (berries) and leafy veg every day, lots of water, pulses, nuts & seeds, fish. I don’t add sugar to anything any more. Have begun to use gluten free products (eg. oats for daily porridge). Not perfect but I’ve mad a start. There ‘s a lot to absorb and respond to but I’m working at it, and actually quite enjoying the experiment.

Hirric profile image
Hirric in reply to Hirric

Bookmarked this link recently (h/t to whoever provided it originally)


Dabaa profile image
Dabaa in reply to Hirric

Hirric, thank you for replying. Will look into it.

Alock2020 profile image
Alock2020 in reply to Hirric

I think that the Coronet Helmet has been giving me headaches. Anyone else get headaches from the Helmet?

chartist profile image
chartist in reply to Alock2020

Infrared light is thought to increase melatonin production as discussed here :


Here is a relevant quote from the link :

' However, evidence also shows that near infrared radiation (NIR), which occupies a major portion of the wavelengths of sunlight, promotes melatonin production and the beneficial effects of sun baths or photobiomodulation therapy may be, at least, partially mediated by the increased local melatonin production induced by NIR. Unlike visible light, NIR can penetrate deep into the human body including the muscle, brain, and even the bones, and its effects on human biology remain to be clarified. '

There are some people that get headaches from higher dose melatonin. You might be one and may need to adjust your IR dose to see if that alleviates your headaches that you attribute to IR. Many benefits associated with IR or NIR are also associated with melatonin use. If you have used higher dose melatonin and gotten a headaches from it, that could be a clue.


Zella23 profile image

my husband been using his for over 2 years and no problem at all!

Hetke profile image
Hetke in reply to Zella23

Did you get any good result with it?

Zella23 profile image
Zella23 in reply to Hetke

He’s not had much progression since using it. We notice if he doesn’t use it, say if on holiday.

mhberman profile image

Infrared light can be quite helpful to improving vision. The Neuradiant device has reportedly improved visual acuity and depth perception and LEDs deliver light in a way that isn't dangerous and the coronet is worn on the head so this isn't really a source of concern.

LAJ12345 profile image

my husband has been using it for a few years and he thinks it helps.

MarkPrana profile image

Red light therapy is an emerging treatment that actually looks quite promising for macular degeneration of the eyes, so potentially beneficial at low dosage levels, which I believe is the level the coronet operates on.


All of the red-near infrared devices suggest not looking DIRECTLY at the lights, and suggest or supply dark glasses for your eyes. Go ahead with your Coronet!!

Quiveringwreck profile image

No you are just fine. My hwp used one for several years. It did not slow the progression but it made his hair grow. There is a HUGE amount of reliable research on light therapy. The beauty industry has muscled its other uses out of the way but, i think you are on safe ground here. Good luck!


I had similar questions and reached out to one of the founders of Well Red who has always been very responsive to my questions. See her response below to my question regarding eye safety as it relates to the Coronet. If the links don’t copy over correctly I will send separately. Btw, I’ve been using it 9 mos and my wife and I refer to it as my super power. My mental acuity has certainly sharpened as has my balance. I have not experienced any eye issues either. Shine on!


Hello Z

Visible red LED lights have been found to be helpful for eyes - specifically 660-670nm. These wavelengths have been used successfully in research in age-related macular degeneration. There is very good evidence that these wavelengths improve the function of the cells in the retina.

I have described some of the research in my blog. Here are some links to different posts about the effect of visible red light on eyes.

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Remember that only LED lights should be used for eyes, not lasers. Never ever use lasers near, on or into eyes.

Glasses are not needed for using the Coronet. In fact, I’ve had several Coronet-wearers who have both PD and macular degeneration tell me that their vision has improved.

Let me know any questions you have.

All the best,


Dr Catherine Hamilton

Well Red Pty Ltd

PO Box 29


TAS 7268 Australia

…here are the links Dr Catherine Hamilton referenced in her email to me previously posted:





Samwebster profile image
Samwebster in reply to Shorebirdsotherhalf

Dear shorebirds,CaN you tell me how to get

In touch with wel.med or Catherine Hamilton to order a coronet plz.

Shorebirdsotherhalf profile image
Shorebirdsotherhalf in reply to Samwebster


Fumaniron profile image

used it for a couple of years now. No significant progression. Vision same

GracefulNFunny profile image

Wear heavy duty sunglasses and you will be fine. The kind that wrap around would be perfect!

Samwebster profile image

Anyone got contact details for Catherine Hamilton and purchasingThe coronet device ,please?

Millbrook profile image
Millbrook in reply to Samwebster

You can order online at wellred.com.au

mekonn profile image

Hi I have had a coronet IR for over a year .

And I have found my UMPA has increased so I think it helps with PD .

I wear mine twice a day .

Do let me know how you get on?

Do you know anyone else who has one??

All the best


Shorebirdsotherhalf profile image
Shorebirdsotherhalf in reply to mekonn


mhberman profile image

85% of the reason there is life on Earth is due to near-infrared light. The Coronet wavelength is in that range and is not dangerous if used as instructed. The Neuradiant 1070 (neuronic.online) is another such device that uses a higher wavelength but is also below any level where you might cause heating of the brain itself.

Good luck and seriously consider obtaining professional consultation to get the best results from photobiomodulation therapy.

Marvin Berman PhD, President

Quietmind Foundation & Associates

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