I wish it would. I am committed to making the most of my life because its the only one I've got. But sometimes I just wish for carefree and easy again x
I keep thinking this is going to get better - Cure Parkinson's
I keep thinking this is going to get better

Try Dr. Joe Dispenza, you can watch him on YouTube. Things can definitely stay carefree.
I hear you. Keep on keeping on! Xoxo
I was dxed 2 and a half years ago. I am now nearly 70. Yes, I wish I didn't have PD but over the last year my younger brother (age 59) has gone blind (detached retinas) and one of my best friends (age 62) who I have known since 1960 has had throat and mouth cancer , has had a stent put in his throat and it has punctured his windpipe, and after an emergency operation is in an induced coma. So I feel blessed that all I have is Parkinson's.
Hi Cleo. Don't think for one moment that you cannot get better. You may be lucky, as I am , I have been able to reverse my movement symptoms and have lived, Pd medication-free since 2002. I am now 85 years old and still am very active,
I am not selling any medication or device for you to use. I was lucky, because I started to do fast walking, two years after I was diagnosed in 1992. At that time I had asked to come off the Sinemet and Symmetrel and was put onto an MAOb inhibitor. I then started to get better.
Four months after starting the fast walking my performance had increased quite considerably. I had already started to get better.
Later on, I started to CONSCIOUSLY CONTROL MY MOVEMENTS and from that point onward, there was no holding me back.
Look at my website - reverseparkinsons.net and read all about it. If you contact me I will try to help you as much as I can. GOOD LUCK!
Find a "ROCK STEADY BOXING" class. It's exercise specifically for PARKINSON patience. I have been going for a year now and cannot believe how much better I am. Try it
I'd love to but they don't have them in NZ
There are Parkinsons boxing classes in many places in NZ. Where do you live?