I was diagnosed 2 years ago & primarily had movement issues. Now my brain itself seems to be the problem...I can't easily describe: it's like my brain goes numb, or grays out, or is pressured by circulation or too much oxygen. So bad I wish I would just d***. This can happen any time but for some reason it is usually around 1-3pm. Does anyone else have these brain problems and what can you do??? Thank you all so much, Nipper
Is this a brain fog? How do I get rid of it? - Cure Parkinson's
Is this a brain fog? How do I get rid of it?

Hello Nipper,
I don't have brain fogs (so far) but there are some posts about it here. Type "brain fog" in the search area and you'll get all the posts on the subject. Hope this helps. Take care.
Hi Nipper
I had bad brain fog - only diagnosed 2 years ago at 46 so it was an early symptom - otherwise I mainly just have left side slowness. At one point in January I had a whole morning and all I had to do was make 2 kids' beds and I couldn't seem to work out how to do it!
Mannitol made an enormous difference - search for it on this forum along with Clinicrowd who are trying to research it. In my opinion it's worth a try. I'm back to being mum again.
In my case, it's when the drug levels fall, particularly ropinirole, (My Neuro is aware of this side effect). Side effects are triggered by rising and falling levels so not enough fluids, mealtime vs pill time, fatigue etc etc can all alter levels.
I'm sure it can be sorted Nipper, the fact it's at the same time will be the key.
Best wishes
Hi Nippermac. What medication are you on? I am not a doctor and am only trying to look at the whole picture.
If you are on medication and it is wearing off or you are taking too much, then that will obviously affect the brain.
You might be talking about 'overload', where you just cannot deal with everything that is on your mind at once. In that case, you have to try to relax and deal with one thing at a time. Easier said than done.
When we do exercise we produce endorphins which certainly help with these problems.
Have you tried fast walking?
I have been on Sinemet for 3 years and trying to switch over to mucuna instead and, eventually, no meds at all. I am not working with a neurologist, researching on my own. Would fast walking help in getting off Sinemet and onto mucuna? Did you have to do something like that too?
Yes, exercise definitely helps. with both the brain fog and mucuna. If your doctor ok's it, try to get your heartbeat between 80-85% of your max heartbeat, for up to 30 minutes, 3-4 x a week. Think about changing your diet. It's always amazing to me that nobody thinks of exercise and diet. We always want the easy pill answer. I guess the doctors have us well trained. Here's a video to help motivate you: youtu.be/v_ONFix_e4k
What a great video. Thanks! Exercise reverses the brain shrinkage we all have as we age? Amazing!
Hi. Fast walking produces a growth factor in the brain by the name of GDNF (Glial Derived Neurotrophic Factor). Glial cells are the cells damaged by Pd. Neurotrophic means 'Nerve Repair'. So, we have our very own repair kit in our brain that makes us better. I wonder why neurologists don't tell us this? Oh! I forgot, it does not cost anything!
If you are repairing your brain by doing fast walking, you will need less and less levodopa medication. But it takes TIME! To learn all about how to start doing the fast walking in order to achieve that goal, I would suggest that you look at my website - reverseparkinsons.net to get all the details and a lot lot more. It is all free of charge.
I was on Sinemet for two years, when my neurologist took me off it and put me onto an MAOb inhibitor, which does have a positive effect on the progression of Pd.
This is information that we need to spread. 'We' need to because the drug companies won't. A book called "The Brain's Way of Healing" by Norman Doidge is full of this type of extremely important info. And, as a bonus, as you read it while walking on a treadmill, your brain will get bigger!
I've been fast walking and it does help. I went to your website to "get all the details and a lot more.. I guess it's all inthe articles? Which are most important?
I take Mannitol from syncolein.com. it anatural artificial sweetner. 1 dose in coffee-easy. Has cleared my fog and removed apathy. You can search for more info here. I highly recommmend it. Good luck
I take lions mane mushroom powder
Try high doses of Vitamin B12 for a while , best in liquid under the tongue. Also look up i blood sugar fluctuations which may not even be part of PD but can effect people . keep your blood sugar stable by having snacks of bananas or nuts or wholemeal breads cheese etc.
Did you not read my story in Chapter 2?
Modafinil (sp?) worked for my husband at first. His main issue was brain fog. He also had some relief from Concerta (a drug for ADD but can work on some Parkies) and caffeine pills (but not all at once!), but he also has sleep apnea, so staying awake was his goal. Have you had a sleep study before? He is helped by his CPAP machine a lot, seems to get better rest which helps brain fog a lot.