Appreciate it if anyone could direct me to more info, I have Daphine's book, tried the HU search engine many times, & googled, but no luck.
I am one of th e lucky people who responded well to thiamine HCL,,,It enabled me to effortlesly get up from a sit position, easily, walk using a normal gait, swing arms, walk around in the house in the dark without gropping walls, ended my stiff shoulder and reduced tremor, gave me a sense of well being, and enough energy to travel. and go out for dinner now and then. Well, this all pretty much dissipated little by lit tle when I had to make changes in my use of thiamine hcl due issues with high B/P.. I decide to try the thiamine mononitrate. It has been more, or less, sink, or swim, without step by step tips, and starting points like Dr Costantini gave out..