Guys. A PWP posted about a probiotic here a few days ago. Part of me was suspicious it was an advertisement but following some research I realise it was kosher, very kosher. The probiotic is called Symprove and it is a liquid. Apparently it has the rare ability of being able to reach the lower intestine and it’s effects on Parkinson’s is currently being seriously assessed by London academics. I’ve been taking it 4 days so too soon for reporting back. A famous English musician called Barbara Thompson has had great success with her symptoms after taking it. Seemingly those that get the most reward are those with constipation related PD. Best of luck.
There’s probiotics and probiotics - Cure Parkinson's
There’s probiotics and probiotics

Previous post is here:
It works. Commented on the earlier post. Will be going back on it for a 3 month trial as soon as I can get hold of fresh supplies!
Hi Kevin 51 I take it you tried this before what symptoms did it help? Why dkd you stop taking it ?
Can't ship to France so has to wait till I am back in the UK. It definitely reaches the large bowel so will have a positive impact on constipation. That is not a problem area for me but I did register an improvement in mood and mental focus which translated into more confident movement. I am hoping that I can change my biome permanently for the better as I don't want to stay on it for too long but we will have to wait for the UK trial to report to know that. It is worth a try and you should be able to tell the difference (if any) after a month. I could get a good bottle of Sancerre for the same price but although I like the effect of that (one glass ...) too it is definitely temporary so I reckon Symprove is worth the money.
Hi Jeeves,
I've been trying this for one bottles worth, again too early to say if any improvement but certainly nothing negative, though the taste is not great.
I plan to stick at it for a least three months, nothing gets better or worse overnight in PD.
I figured if Parkinson's UK are putting it through a clinical trial it's probably worth a go, especially if like me you're one of those people who believe that their PD started in G. I.
(No family history anywhere)
Eh up Seamus. Hope you’re doing ok. Yeah, I plan on 3 months too and when I return from August hols will reinforce this with gut protocol based on soups and broth. My only doubt is that I have NEVER had any constipation issues which I’ve never fully understood. Like everything with this ridiculous disease things rarely make sense. Was thinking of you recently as I was awarded PIP two weeks ago with 18 months backdated. Awesome but I really had to struggle to get the award and our experiences were very different eh? But I’m there now and even had a Blue Badge awarded yesterday as well. Here’s to disabled parking whilst receiving filthy looks from ‘healthy’ citizens.
Congrats on your being awarded PIP! The Blue Badge helps you too!
Pack of 4 bottles - 4 week supply, available at Fruugo for $100.00 including shipping. Delivered in 10 days from the UK.
Amazon has it fir $99 free shipping, arrives in a couple of days.
I'm 10 days into the 12 week programme, will report back at 4 weeks (If I remember!)
Keep us posted. Like you the one symptom I've never had is constipation. Are you tremor or stiff/slow dominant? I am the latter; no real tremor--very rarely and slightly in left pinky.
I’m similar to you. Constipation is not an issue and I am stiff/slow dominate. Never any harm in improving the gut however. But I wonder about the link between digestion issues and symptoms. Could be an interesting Thread to follow.
Thanks janers and ElliotGreen for your responses. I am convinced from all I've read that Parkinson's, like cancer, is not one disease that should be treated similarly. Curious, I am also muscle achy; PTs tell me from the contracted muscles pulling unevenly on each other. Do either of you have this symptom or other aches and pains?
My most annoying symptom right now is a very achy front forearm from the contracting muscles. It’s a real pain have a good day
I am the same as you re symptoms - actually far more IBS than C which has got worse over the years and my left pinky now and then. Since I started Symprove a month ago I can say it's been a difficult time as things have been very up and down with many symptoms getting worse for a while but the one thing that has almost completely stopped is my pinky! My mood is strange - I have a slight head ache but somehow I feel slightly more focused and some days my IBS has gone! It's hard to explain but my gut feeling is, for me the many slight things that have dogged me for many years appear to be on the change (sometimes better sometimes worse). I can only hope my theory from extensive reading and the latest direction re it starting in the gut is correct and this will at least help to slow down the onset further until they come up with the results from the trial and look further into it. I will post more as time goes on as I intend to do the 3 months. I also had great results with B1 but it made my IBS terrible.
Do we have any evidence that most other probiotics DON'T reach the "lower gut"? What does that even mean?
I take probiotics which are labeled as enteric, meaning that they can pass the acid of the stomach and can make it into the small intestines. Once the bacteria safely reach the small intestines, I don't see any major impediment keeping them from reaching further down.
I'm suspicious that this vague labeling for Symprove is functioning as hype.
There are other probiotics that can get past the stomach.
On the original post by Jennifer? The lead clinician contributed to the discussion. I think his name is Chauderi? Why not write to him as he’s accessible on this site.
Any update on the one first taken?