The recommended dose is 1-2 capsules daily. My chiro told me that once you take a probiotic it either lives and multiplies or it dies. So maybe you need to keep taking them in case conditions in your gut change and they die off. Can anyone tell me if this is why you need to keep taking them?
Probiotics and the excitement of PXN21 - Cure Parkinson's
Probiotics and the excitement of PXN21

Antibiotics cause them to die off.
Bacillus subtilis used to be common on vegetables, so our ancestors would get an almost daily "dose" of them. But these days most of us wash and wash our food, so not so for us. Even among poor, rural farmers tested in Thailand, just half of them do have it. So if you want to be sure, you do probably need to take them every day. Competition in your gut is fierce and the turn-over is more than you'd think.
Probiotics are often transients. They do not settle in and colonise the bowel but do important work on their way through
You need to feed them. I’m a little hazy on this but they need certain types of fibre. Cooked and cooled potatoes are apparently very good at providing resistant starch which they need. There are other things too but I can’t remember off hand.
Yes and no! We can quite quickly change the bacteria within the gut - but getting healthy bacteria to colonise the gut wall can take ages, and will only happen if we keep on feeding that particular bacteria. I think that a very varied plant rich diet helps.
Very interesting to hear from you as we were just communicating about nocturia. I am taking the PNX21 probiotics (MIND from BioKult) every day per their recommended dose and eating a vegan diet, but as my daughter reminded me most crops grown in the U.S.
today are grown in depleted soil aided by chemicals and pesticides and shipped and stored before we get them. Then we need to wash them thoroughly. It's not that easy for me to get local organically grown produce.
Indeed. Not quite so bad in the UK but still pretty bad. I saw this post because I clicked on your name - I don't normally spend so long here!