Hi guys, my mom is 76 years old and type 2 diabetic as well. She have sever tremor in her both hands, limbing like tremor where she can't hold even a glass wit out split the water. I would say she has a strong limb tremor. The story is first she was diagnosed to Essential tremor by the first neurologist and given her propranolol but it didn't do nothing. Then given her Primidone, but she had a terrible side effects so she stopped, but I did not see any improvement anyway. The second neurologist said it looks PK. And give her 25/100 Sinemet brake in half morning and night. She is on Sinemet but really I can't see any different. When she sleep there is no tremor at all. I can't believe there is nothing out there to stop her tremor ? And one more thing, back maybe 5 months ago she had a high blood pressure continuedly when we see the cardiologist specialist doctor in the hospital she give her meds to lower her BP. It didn't do absolutely nothing. I told the specialist I don't think it will work after two weeks, when usually come in the night time this HB attack. I suspected it is Anxiety attack what's doing it for her. I was right. She usually takes now lorazepam when it comes and that calms her done and her tremor looks like as well. I started her on with magnesium Bis glycinates 400mg and given her B1 100mg plus qu10 every day. But I can't see she improves her walking motor function as of yet, or I see less tremor. My question any ideas how to calm or get where of the anxiety attacks ? And what else should I give her where she would gain back her quality of life with less tremor so she would able to feed herself at list with out lesser side effects ? She looks like very sensitive for medication... Maybe she needs increase the carbidopa and levodopa intake ? Or there is better meds out there so she can stop this tremor and anxiety ? Anyone any idea ? Thanks..
sever hand Tremor: Hi guys, my mom is 7... - Cure Parkinson's
sever hand Tremor

Your mom can try mindfullness meditation to help with anxiety, see link youtube.com/watch?v=81Zq04P...
You can also check Healthjourneys website where you can get a free download on one of their meditation recordings if you provide your name and email address to subscribe to their newsletter
Regarding increase in medication your mom really needs to consult with her physician and may be switch to sustained (or continuous) release Sinemet instead of immediate release - some people on this forum have been helped by this change.
Magnesium, B1 and CoQ10 are all beneficial for Parkinson's but you may also need to add Vitamin B complex to balance B1.
It is very thoughtful of you to try to help your mom - hope she'll find the right medication and ways to relax and avoid anxiety which can exacerbate symptoms.
Wishing you all the best, keep us posted.
Thank You very much your answer and your reply faridaro. Believe me in this point I take any help I can get, to figure this out. I will ask her neurologist in her next week appointment regards to continuous release or the sustained Sinemet. And tomorrow I will start her on a B complex. The interesting thing about the anxiety is always in night time about 10-11PM or sometimes even more later. I do not want her to take lorazepam as you can get addicted very easily. Any idea what else she can try for anxiety at the natural vitamins level what really kicks in not just months later ?
Make sure the b complex is a natural form and doesn’t have folic acid or cyanocobalamin.
A good multi nutrient to takes is Hardy’s daily essential nutrients and Hardy’s inositol. They relieved my husband’s severe anxiety quickly, however he has not had a tremor. Hardy’s has lots of essential minerals as well as the vitamins and they are all in an accessible form.
Hi Laj,.. She can take inositol when she is type 2 diabetic ? Thanks so much the info..
Hi LAJ12345.
Why don’t you want a B complex that contains folic acid or cyanocobalamin?
These are synthetic compounds made in the lab and some people who have certain gene defects cannot break them down for their bodies to use. You need methyl and adenosyl cobalamin (b12) and methyl folate (5 mthf).
Unless you know you have a normal functioning pair of these genes it’s better to err on the side of caution.
I agree with LAJ that you need to find high quality B-complex with folate in form of methylfolate (not folic acid) and B12 as methylcobalamin (not cyanocobalamin).
According to Dr. Mischley all patients taking levodopa should take B-complex daily for a variety of reasons, one of the main ones is that vitamin B6 is necessary to convert levodopa to dopamine. She suggests 5mg/day of B6 for most PD patients unless someone is taking levodopa for more than 5 years or takes more than 5 pills/day of levodopa or suffers from depression. Timing of taking B-complex and Sinemet also can play a major role - don't know much about it yet.
There are many herbal remedies for anxiety. Personally I use Valerian Root tincture which smells and tastes horrible but that's what my parents used when I was growing up so I am accustomed to it. I also take low dose Lithium Orotate which has calming effect and is supposed to be neuroprotective. However, I did hair analysis which indicated that I was very low in lithium, otherwise not sure if I would be taking it. In general, hair analysis may not be very accurate, however in case of lithium according to some source it is supposed to reflect its levels in the body.
Inositol has calming effect as well - you can find information about it at the link
if you scroll to the very bottom it says "For blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes: 1 gram of DCI and 400 mcg folic acid once daily for 6 months" - (DCI stands for a specific form of inositol.) So it might help with sugar control as well.
Here is what I found and bout for her today...
The manufacturer is: CanPrev
Synergy B
B-Complex with L-Theanine-
Complete B-Complex Optimised with L-5-MTHF Activated Folate & 200mg of L-Theanine Daily.
Medicinal ingredients:
L-Theanine ( clerived from green tea ) 100mg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine HCL ) 50mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin-5-phospate) 50mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) 50mg
Vitamin B5 (Calcium d-pantothenate) 100mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate ) 25mg
Vitamin B7 (Biotin) 250mcg
Vitamin B9 (L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate) 500mcg
Vitamin B12 (Methyl cobalamin) 500mcg
Choline (Choline Bitartrate) 100mg
Inositol 100mg
Spirulina 60mg
This B complex suggest giving 1 in the morning and 1 in the night with food.
So I lined this plan in order for my mom: half Sinemet 25/100 first thing in the morning, and after 30 minutes she can have her breakfast with 1 B-Complex, plus 400mg Magnesium Bis Glycinate and 1Ubiquinol 100 with MCT oil, it is the superior active form from CoQ10 with better absorption and Bioavailability for Hearth health and Migraine prevention. And the night on other half of Sinemet with 1 B complex.
The only thing I kind of find 50mg Thiamine don't sound to much. So I'm wondering if I should give her separate 1, 100mg Thiamine at diner as well. I bout from Natural Factors B1 100mg.
See she complaining about weakness and no energy plus that terrible tremor. And the night Anxiety the visiting guest.
I want to help her so much in my best of knowledge and capability..
What you guys think about that B complex and my plan ? What did you guys should add more for her tremor or energy ?
Thank You so much to all of you helping me true this devastating time...
This is just my opinion but I have no medical training so you may need to check with your doctor especially if she is diabetic.
She may also need some other pharmaceutical to relieve the anxiety. My husband takes sertraline in the morning and a tiny amount (1/8) of a mirtazapine tablet at night which helps him sleep but isn’t enough to make his dozy in the morning.
Don’t take the multi b6 too close to the sinemet or she may have an unpleasant shuddering attack. My husband made that mistake a few times before he realised. The b6 and carbidopa in the sinemet destroy each other violently!
The multi has the right b12 and folate I think and p5p B6 which is also the good type of b6, and inositol. The Hardy’s also has adenosyl cobalamin B12 in it.
Some people don’t think choline is a good idea. I’m not sure.
People have recommended theanine for anxiety for us before.
Is that dosage above for 1 or 2 capsules? If it is for 1 capsule it is very high for folate and might be too much b6 too if she has 2 of them which can cause neuropathy if taken in high doses too long.
I think most people do need the extra B1 on top. My husband takes extra 1500mg per day. Make sure it is the HCl form.
It might be best to start low for a few dayswith the multi and gradually increase the dosage if there aren’t side effects.
Too much b vitamins can cause anxiety if not balanced. So extra inositol may help. I found even though my husband was on a similar multi B it wasn’t too helping him until I swapped to the Hardy’s product. I’m not sure if that is because the doses were too high, or whether Hardy’s den has other essential nutrients he was missing.
I don’t know about sinemet. We are still trying to get that right as it doesn’t seem to make any difference for my husband.
LAJ has very good points and I also think that you should start with 1 capsule of B complex - you don't want to overwhelm metabolic pathways with a large dosage, especially that too much B6 can lead to neuropathy (I experienced that personally).
Adding B1 separately is a good idea.
Also, be careful about timing with Sinemet as B6 reacts with levodopa - according to Life Extension website: "If levodopa (Sinemet®) is used, vitamin B6 should be taken 3-4 hours after the last dose of levodopa, since vitamin B6, in some cases, may cause levodopa to convert to dopamine in the blood before it reaches the brain." Full article lifeextension.com/Magazine/...
Hope it helps!
Google Focused ultrasound and watch the videos of people who have had this procedure done, it’s like a miracle
We waited for two years for it tudorwood. Her last MRI showed she have thicken scalp at the area, and they can not do focused ultrasound on her. That was the final review, and we where only two weeks apart to done it. Believe me I try really hard to help my mother.. To me it was a big disappointment, why the doctors told us at the last minute they can not perform the focused ultrasound on her because the thicker scalp where they apply the heat. See.. they not talk about that before... shame..
And one more thing.. The doctors never told you,.... but when they perform the focused ultrasound successfully did you know you can actually lose your body motor function in that side of your body ? Before they start you have to sign for it to agree. Forder more they can only do the focused ultrasound only just one side of your body, so you can pick which hand you like to use left or right... See this thing you find out only when they ready to do the job. My mother was ready and all this come out to sunlight. So if you have a Parkinson or Essential tremor, and you hardly can move, yes it will help one of your hand, but what about walking after or hold your balance? They disclose this with you only the last minute.... I just wanted you to know we where there and very close to done it...
Hey tigerclaw, in addition to the helpful suggestions already given, there are herbs that specifically help to relieve anxiety, go to - tranquilene.com/offer1a.php...
and there are certain foods that are also known to help with this anxiety problem. See - medicalnewstoday.com/articl...
and there are some very effective essential oils that have been successful in dealing with anxiety. See - kriscarr.com/blog/pure-esse...
Also there are some excellent sounds that are highly recommend by neurologists when it comes to resolving anxiety. See - inc.com/melanie-curtin/neur...
Finally, here is one of numerous youtube videos that are designed to provide anxiety relief. Go to - youtube.com/channel/UCY_3K_...
Thanks so much Tarz, you think tranquilene will help better then Inositol ? And just wondering about the interaction with the rest of the vitamin or with her type 2 meds.. she take diamicron 60mg a day for her blood sugar ..