Marijuana oil..Try it you have nothing to lose but you might be like me and experience better sleep less tremor and a reduction in meds, Sinemet. I ingest a rice size morsel before bedtime and a tiny bit when I take a pill,it works for me.
Medical Marijuana...Parkinson's - Cure Parkinson's
Medical Marijuana...Parkinson's

I have access to marijuana "butter" ... wonder how that might work?

How / where do you buy the Butter in order to try it out ?
A friend of a friend. Any reputable grower should be able to hook you up
check out legit marijuana vendors online at
They are an online dispensary and can get you Marijuana discreetly or get you prescriptions.
check and thank me later

Great way to ingest it! Use it for baking like you would regular butter. When ingesting it there is a need for fat to activate it. That's why it's often combined with butter, chocolate, olive oil. etc.
I have never used the Butter, If you do make it a tiny amount and good luck
where do you get the oil?
its legal in California to buy at a pot dispensary
damn,dont think its legal in the uk,stupid laws here.
medical marijuana, not legal in UK?
I was on a UK PD forum and some know-nothing woman was spreading the usual propaganda about how bad it is. I responded with some facts and was booted off. The moderator told me it was because we couldn't talk about anything illegal! I informed him that I lived in Canada and used it legally. Didn't matter.... in other words, if you have something bad to say about it, fine, but if you want to present positive research (science) FORGET IT!!!
if only I were 3,000 miles closer...I love living in NC, but its narrow minded views on MM are a bummer. I enjoy your posts on the subject.
Does this in any way affect your sensorium and is it directly related to the mind
Altering Marijuana plant.?..seems a little scary and sketchy to me when we all need a clear head if possible. More info needed before I would try it as I want to be in control of my faculties at. All times. .polyanna007 yy
Where do you get the oil? I have a rx for marijuana and I haven't seen it when I go pick up my pot. Is it like hash oil? How do you take it?
Less tremor, far less pain, sleep lots better, no nausea from PD meds, oil vs butter not as important as choosing the strain/variety that will do best for pain, etc. and not soo much for getting available at good MM shops or online...
Best wishes,
Steve in Bisbee, AZ
not available in ireland either where can i get it online
look at a man called Rick Simpsons site in the USA he tells you how to make hemp oil and lots of testimonials to how good it is it is easy to make but hard to get the ingredients together but very worthwhile
It's legal to get a prescription in NJ where my brother lives. Does anyone know if it would be illegal to go to visit him and get a prescription and take it out of state? Would the prescription be a pill,oil or what? Please help,
Each state has different laws, but it is against federal law to transport over state lines. It is worthwhile to research how use and possession laws work in your state. If memory serves, there are about 20 states that allow use. (Please consider what risks you are willing to take before breaking any laws - not just those about MM.)
Usually MM is available in forms to eat, drink, or smoke.
Best wishes,
I am wondering if the Medical Marijuana is legalized in Florida,can
you grow your own or if you purchase it ,is is covered by insurance . What is the going price for instance in capsule form. I quit smoking cigarettes 14 tears ago due to cancer. I certainly will try it when it is legalized
Is there a reason you use it 30 minutes after taking sinemet? And have you reduced the amount of sinemet you are taking since you started the butter?
Would you please explain why you take your oil with your pill? I am interested in the best titration and dosing for each. Thank you.
personally I take 1 1/2 tabs of Sinemet three times a day..vaporize oil when I feel like it and eat oil before bedtime, just a tiny amount the size of grain of rice. just to be clear I rarely used cannabis before I got PD now that I need it medically I use it liberally and it works for me.
Thank you. What is the difference in effect from vaporizing vs eating the oil? Have you been able to reduce sinemet since starting MM? Is it reasonable to want to reduce sinemet to a minimum? Would we be getting enough dopamine? Does MM stimulate dopamine production ? I wonder what the short- and long-term effects of MM are on dopamine-producing neurons...
Google '' Parkinsons Marijuana '' lots of information already on your computer. I have pot in my system 24 hrs a day, as I have said I am my own experiment and as the man once said ''No one knows nothing '' Each PWP has a unique story just read this blog and you can see our symptoms are all a little different. Go to your local MM shop for more information and as for me MM has proved to be a minor miracle.
Having read as much as possible and watched endless videos I am convinced that hemp oil is worth a try, but nobody seems to have a clear answer as to how / where you can purchase it in the U.K. I would not know how to buy a joint for that matter. I not too bothered about legalities, my health is more important than that. At 62 years of age I can hardly walk down the street and ask any likely looking supplier.... So how do I get it?
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
Hi Ksc8, I noticed that we can buy hemp oil on Amazon. Just go to the UK site and search for it. I haven't tried it, but have also read that it's good. (I'm not sure how it compares to cannabis oil or MM, but those aren't legal here. )
That's good. It sounds so funny that you managed to buy some in Tesco! Makes me think that it might not be the same, lol. But would be really interesting to know if it helps. I do hope so.
Done a little research and found out that the hemp oil you can buy in UK supermarkets is from COLD PRESSED hemp SEED, legal in UK and a good healthy oil. In the USA the seed has to be cooked reducing it's health value. The oil we are seeking is made from hemp FLOWER BUDS & small leaves. I think I may have sourced it but will wait to see what / if it arrives before updating.
Hi ksc8, did you have any luck with this?
Legal, finally, in Queensland Australia from March 1st.
I hope to be prescribed it via a Skype hookup with my Neurologist (who is a 3 hour drive away) and with my GP in her Rooms. Not sure of cost but big push on for it to go onto PBS scheme here where it should only cost about $6.00. All my scripts only cost that but this one is still out for the verdict.
If it all goes to plan I won't be sitting up sending emails all over the world at this time of night. I dread the nocturnal hours because of the pain which results from 6/7 hours of laying prone not being able to change positions.(and one complete knee reconstruction) now that was horrible.
(Wish me luck as I wave it goodbye) Pain I mean
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Just how much is a rice size morsel
Just how much is a rice size morsel?
I would love to try med mar. Cant get it in va.