I’ve read that antidepressants contain dopamine, my question, is there’s such a thing as too much dopamine can be bad if you’re already taking meds with it? I am taking Lexapro, Wellbutrin and buspar all 1 tab once a day, plus C/L 25/100 1 tab 3x Mirapax 0.25 1 tab 3x and recently my neurologist added amantadine 100 3x for dyskinesia, but I decided not to take it. I am planning to stop the mirapax since it’s not doing anything for me, I am scared 😱I’ve heard that stopping dopamine agonists it’s not a joke. I need advice in this two questions. Thank you 😊
Antidepressants do they contain dopamine?... - Cure Parkinson's
Antidepressants do they contain dopamine?....

I am sure that antidepressants don't contain dopamine. And, please do not stop any prescription without checking with your doctor!
I'm on Effexor and Buspar. I'm not on PD meds but I do take b1 thiamine hcl. You seem to be on a lot of meds. Have you considered the b1 thiamine? It will stop the progression of your PD. You may also be able to cut back but not stop your PD meds. There are nothing but positive results from this protocol. You will not get any worse and will probably see positive improvements over the next few months that are lasting.
I am starting the b1 thiamine protocol. Thank you for your response.
Antidepressants do not, as far as I know, contain dopamine. I seem to recall that they inhibit it. Do an internet search to get the best information.
Definitely confer with your doctor about weaning yourself off Mirapex. It can be pretty rough withdrawing or it can be simple, hopefully it will be the latter for you.