Coconut Oil?! Anybody still doing this with any serious commitment? I’m not as it never seemed to do much for me. Just thought I’d bring out a little discussed feature from the past!
Do you all remember.........?: Coconut Oil... - Cure Parkinson's
Do you all remember.........?

I have often wondered about that too, Jeeves. It was certainly the going thing for quite a while then it just dropped out of sight. Things come and go but hope springs eternal.
Hey Enidah. Hope you’re doing okay!
I'm doing okay. I'm at that point where the meds still work but I have to deal with dyskinesia. The only thing worse than dyskinesia is being off. So there you go. B1 has not done anything observable for me although I have tried several dosages.
Hang on in there Enidah. We’ve drawn a bad hand but hopefully DBS might be an option if you’re willing and Roger Barker here at Cambridge reckons that stem cell therapy will be ‘in clinic in about 5/6 years’. He’s a realist and the sort of guy who is pragmatic about pluripotent possibilities.
Quick before my breakfast (I'm again searching and searching (too much)) :
>>> Just red in the Swiss Parkinson Magazin :
1) Kyoto, Japan : 10.2018 : transplant of 2,4 Millions stem cells by a 50-year old man. 6 persons to follow. First results end of 2020. "When everything good".... on the market in 2023. <<<
2) in San Diego by Prof. Jeanne Loring they also make some progress
3) in China.....(?)......., but you have to be brave to take the risk.....
Personally I'm continuing with Detox and stimulate the "methylation" as recently shown via a link to the site of Robert Rodgers.
And, also, little bit hoping that they will find money to continue with the Bristol trial.......................
I used to give to my husband and it seemed to help. Not a big difference but anything to see a difference is worth trying
I combine it with lecithin:
I took it for about 6 weeks. I began to cough after each dose (salicylate intolerance) so had to stop.
No visible positives from it.
I cook with coconut oil most days but the amount each of us ingests would only be about a teaspoonful.
However I use coconut oil on my skin every time I have a shower, sometimes I mix in a little frankincense oil. Although hubby (PWP) doesn't use coconut oil on his skin but I do put oils in his bath along with the magnesium chloride flakes.
I remember Joan Collins once said she wouldn't put anything on her skin that she wouldn't put in her mouth! Lol
I'm still taking a tablespoon every morning and cook with it. I feel it's good for me even though it's one of those things that doesn't give clearly recognisable improvements, or at least improvements that I recognise.
I add coconut to my granola (gluten free) along with almonds every morning. Also have been eating 1/2 to a whole avocado every day. And I cook with and use tons of good quality olive oil that is sold in glass (never plastic) containers. I think all help me feel and function better.
I like the studies that show dark chocolate possibly being of benefit to Parkinson's patients. Now that one I can get behind 100%. I'm doing my own trial.
My husband (with PD) took coconut oil pills for a few months but didn't see any change. I understand coconut oil has great benefits for all and cook with it anyway. He also has a coconut based kefir on his cereal most mornings.
Hush, quiet now, but I do wonder how the B1 thing will pan out in the long run. (Still giving it a go mind you)