I am just confused. I think I smell fine.
Do you always lose smell with PD? All peo... - Cure Parkinson's
Do you always lose smell with PD? All people with PD?

I have PD and I haven't loss my sense of smell either. My husband just came back from eating at a Mexican restaurant and I could smell it on him when he walked in.
so far I have never lost the sense of smell. Hope I never do. Not all people do.
My husband has some sense of smell but when i can smell things that are really strong he cant smell them yet he can smell his meals being cooked and he keeps saying he hasn't lost his sense of smell.
I dont think Ive lost my sense of smell apart from perfume smells (which is very sad for me) but that doesn't seem to apply to anything else. Often wondered about losing sense of smell because my mother did but she didnt have PD???
Hi do not think it affects all with PD but certainly has affected my husband.xxx
I've lost about half of mine. It can be an early sign of PD.
It can also be an early sign of Alzheimer's. My sense of smell is spotty. Sometimes I can smell and sometimes not. My neighbor came in and said, I smell gas. Sure enough, a burner was on with no flame. I hadn't smelled it!
I have lost many smells, some times thats good, we have three dogs. The worst has been some foods no longer have much taste because the are very closely related. That I miss the most, I love food but am losing interest in it, and have lost 40 lbs in the last 6 months. Needed to do that any way.
I lost my sense of smell in the late 1970s, had no motor symptoms of PD until 2010. At the time of dx my neurologist stated that anosmia is one of the early symptoms of PD. The transition from smell to no smell took about 6 months. During that period, many foods, (and other things),had a pungent, unpleasant chemical smell. It has been so long, now, that I no longer miss most of the everyday aromas.
To this point, I do not think it has affected my sense of smell. I have always had a pretty sensitive nose!
Sometimes I smell things that no one else does. I think it is similar to ronn's description of it as a pungent chemical smell. I wondered it that is part of PD.
i have lost smell and taste only salty, sweet or spicy hot are now detectable dont know if this is parkinsons?