Is Thiamine mononitrate the same as Thiamine HCL? The thiamine mononitrate says Vitamin B1 on it
Thiamine mononitrate: Is Thiamine... - Cure Parkinson's
Thiamine mononitrate

Dr. Costantini has stated that only Thiamine HCI / Thiamine HCL, which are both the same, should be used for oral HDT. The product you are looking at is a no. Here is a link to a page which will answer all of your HDT questions including what to use and where to get it along with much much more info on HDT and what to expect.
Good luck!
No it is not. HCL is the only Thiamine that works. As far as I am aware it can only be purchased online. As for availability it depends on the country you live in. In the United States I purchase from They offer 500mg capsules. For some other countries they use iherb or ihealth. Just make sure you get b1 Thiamine hcl. You can also go to a group on Facebook called “Parkinson’s Thiamine hcl”. It is dedicated to HDT (high dose thiamine). The administrator is Roy Propsner a person with PD. It is very informative and helpful. I advise you to read as many posts as possible. Is is good to educate yourself on this HDT protocol. Good luck.
Mononitrate in high dosages can result in kidney stones... highly undesirable!
I looked around and found this rather limited discussion of synthetic B1, which both thiamine hcl and mononitrate are. They say mononitrate is lipid soluble and has side effects and is toxic, compared to naturally occurring B1, but they don't say much a bout the HCL formulation, and you can't assume they are the same so I asked them if they can comment further.
Very good question, glad you knew to ask it because I was just about to order a boatload of B1 which would have been the mononitrate variety. Now I am wondering who else is using the stuff and maybe having side effects from it without getting what they need from it.
This is why we have the HDT FAQ page and HDT Primer page in order to avoid problems like these as Dr. C has answered most if not all of these commonly asked questions there.
You can also find these and other HDT related pages by clicking on my round icon and selecting which page about HDT you would like to read. Unfortunately the forum does not appear to be open to the idea of pinning these HDT information posts to a main page, so we do the best we can with the available resources.