Hi, it’s been a while since I’ve been here.
Tuesday Jan 22, my husband had his neuro appointment checkup. They upped his DBS devices to 3.7 & 3.9.
Doctor said he seemed he was doing a bit better. I bought him the Parkinson’s walker, with the laser. Hand grips to release wheels. It’s been helping him to not fall.
On 2/1, yesterday, we officially moved from our split-level house, with no room to safely walk or use the walker, to a 1-level condo.
His walker allows him to go everywhere.
1. When I loaded him in the van to come here, he kept tipping forward on toes even with the walker, in a slow motion forward tipping.
2. He struggled to even walk through the condo. I sat him at the kitchen table.
3. At 4pm, he walked down the hallway where I was putting away food in the pantry, and as I went to the box, I heard a crash, he pushed the doors to close and completely knocked new doors off the hinges. So, no door now.
4. At 4am, just 30 mins ago, I heard a crash in the bedroom (800sq ft of space) and he fell on the floor. I thought he messed up his walker but fixed it, and got him up. He walks with it, but his feet won’t step, he leans forward and I keep reminding him to slow down and rest before stepping.
So, I’m wondering if this will even out?
Is it just a new change and he needs to adjust?
Is the emotions of moving out of house he lived in for 30 years, messing with meds?
Or, is he really this bad?
He had DBS in June&October 2016, it’s been 2 1/2 years, and he’s already at 3.9v out of 5.0max.
I bought this place because he can use elevator right outside our door to take kids to school bus. It pulls right up to the lobby. But now I’m freaking out because I go back to work Monday and he’s so imbalanced.