My husband, diagnosed 3 years ago was taking 1-1/2 pills 4 times a day. A few months ago, we noticed an increase in a thumb twitching movement. Other than that, he has no tremors and his hand is steady when he holds them out. It only shows up at rest and he can stop the twitching when he notices it.
Yesterday, he announced to me that he doesn’t want to take C/L anymore and he just stopped. The twitching is gone. It’s been over 24 hours and he seems fine. Lately he says he feels the same whether on meds or off... he says he feels fine. His complaint normally is body stiffness, jaw tightness and numbness in his hands, and slight difficulty articulating while speaking. Honestly, though, to look at him, you would not think he has PD.
My husband works out vigorously, 3 to 4 days a week, bikes, runs on the treadmill, and puts long hours doing yard work around the house.
Besides the C/L, he takes 3.5g of B1, NAC and probiotics to keep his gut healthy, besides daily vitamins.
Having said all the above, is it dangerous to just stop C/L? It’s been 36 hours now and he says for now he feels better now than he normally while on meds. I’m concerned he might crash later or have a psychotic episode (I don’t know that will happen, but just thinking of worst case scenario.)
I have him continuing with his B1, NAC and all his vitamins, as I think they’ve been helpful.