Winter is upon us and the cold has a devastating effect on me- done so well with few symptoms over the last seven months and now just going into decline. Stiff, tremor bad, miserable. Anyone else suffer like this?
Cold: Winter is upon us and the cold has a... - Cure Parkinson's

Me too. I spent most of my life cruising around Minnesota which every year has about a dozen days 10° to 25° below 0, was a year-round long-distance runner, downhill and cross country skier, loved 40° and 50°, but now I can't tolerate it -- at all. For the past few years, however, we figured out how to get through the winter just fine. We spend those 6 months in Florida.
I agree it’s 32 degrees F today, I’ve been feeling a bit worse thinking it’s everything from thiamine dosage to stress to the antibiotic I’m on. Never thought it could be the weather. We have long winters☹️
Where you live, Connie?
Buffalo, NY . I love the four seasons but I could live with a shorter winter!!😊
A lot of retired people that live here go to Florida for the winter. We are a ways off from being able to do that. Most people here retire at 65, my husband is 54 plus our kids are in school. Just have to bundle up and keep warm! Where do you live MB?
Lots and lots of lake effect snow in Buffalo. Pretty town. We live in St. Paul, Minnesota and winter in Port St. Lucie, Florida, driving out Saturday. You have a little way to go to retirement. I think 50s is a great age, though. When you're working, you wish you were retired and then when you finally reach retirement, you wish you were still working. We have settled in now and find it's not underrated.
We fly to Australia and then New Zealand come November for longer days and higher temperatures. In the meantime I use mains powered heat pads on my lower back - it is a great help! I’m on a Keto Diet and off all meds after 7 years of Ropinirole and Sinemet - it has the curious and surprising result of making me much less susceptible to the cold and has pretty much fixed the 40 year problem of Raynaud’s syndrome... see for Keto intro
2bats, it sounds like you been able to adhere completely to the keto diet?
I’m blood group O which seems to get on very well with Keto Diet - which I love - meat, fish, eggs, goat butter, coconut oil and lots of greens like kale and spinach... I still haven’t got all my strength back, but I’m optimistic - and Keto gives one a calm and un-depressed take on life, and better sleep! Best regards, Phil 2bats
Great video!! Just wondering how do you feel without sinemet? It would be awesome to be off it! Do you feel like you did before your PD diagnosis?
Still shaky, but prepared to put up with that for as long as it takes. I think the tremor is very gradually decreasing. I’m very happy to be off the 16mg of Ropinirole and the 16 Sinemet tabs per day. So pleased I found Keto!
LONg before I was diagnosed with PD I had severe cold sensitivity. Always cold in winter, on the verge of shivering. Wore very warm clothes, Drank hot tea constantly. Finally found a doc who would threat me with thyroid hormone (both T3 and T4) even though my TSH was normal. Huge difference, but years later it started to return. New doc gave me testosterone (I was very low) and that has worked since. (I'm sure you know not to take testosterone, but thyroid might be worth looking into.)
I think it was Keto that fixed it for me, but it’s nice to be comfortable in shirt sleeves when the rest are in full winter gear and looking frozen! Best regards, Phil 2bats
You are so right, lots of lake effect snow! Enjoy your time in St Port Lucie!!😎
Hi Annie. I don't know how old you are or in what physical condition you are in, but if you really want to do something about your Pd, which WORKS and costs NOTHING, then think about doing FAST WAKING! No medication does anything to slow down the progression of disease, other than MAOb inhibitors, but they do not reverese any symptoms.
If you are interested then look at my website - and contact me. I will help you if I can, at not charge and you don't have to join anything