I've been taking thiamine for 2 months now, I started with 2 grams a day increasing a gram a week until I was taking 6 grams per day.I find there's wasn't any change in my PD,other than peeing several times a night(which is not normal for me).No difference in my walking,my balance,my speech,just what does it help when it works? Maybe I'm not taking it right, any suggestions would be very much apricated. Guy Moore
B1 Thiamine: I've been taking thiamine for... - Cure Parkinson's
B1 Thiamine

You were dx 2016. Your symptoms may only be mild and few presently. The dose should be 4g a day. To high and symptoms will worsen. Dose for you may be determined by doctor. Thiamin hcl effect may not be obvious when symptoms are few and mild. Go to 4g/ day.
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Thanks RoyProp,I.ll try 2grams at breakfast,then another 2 grams sometime in the afternoon.

500mg b1=how many grams?
Different things seem to help different people, so maybe it’s not for you. How do you get so much in? How many pills are you taking?!
Have patience and do not give up. It takes 3 to 4 months to notice an improvement.
To minimize nighttime bathroom visits I avoid liquids the two hours before bed, except what I have to drink to get pills down
I think not everibody has the same reaction ti b1. Even in my case , unfortunatelly , i feel my left harm dexterity is getting worse and worse.. and im directly under dr.c supervision...
Finger crossed.
Yes it is difficult to get correct dosage, was taking 4 gram a day but found was getting worse, contacted Dr C. and he advised stop all thiamine for 5 days then start with just 1 gram a day, have found this to be good at this stage.