Not much discussion on HU about the endoc... - Cure Parkinson's

Cure Parkinson's

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Not much discussion on HU about the endocannabinoid system. If you are interested in medical marijuana for PD. Dr. Sarah King.

MBAnderson profile image
5 Replies

Hi Marc,

We're jumping off the beaten path in this week's Facebook LIVE broadcast.

Sometimes you just have to think outside the box and reach outside your comfort zone for answers, and Monday's interview will be taking a lot of us there.

Dr. Michelle Sexton is a naturopathic doctor, professor, and researcher (165 articles published on PubMed and counting) who specializes in helping her clients fine-tune their endocannabinoid systems.

Click here to RSVP to the Facebook LIVE Broadcast with Dr. Michelle Sexton

Never heard of the endocannabinoid system (ECS)?

You may have never heard of it, but you experience its impact every single day.

Your ECS helps you regulate:



•Appetite, Digestion, & Hunger

•Pleasure and reward

•Immune function

•Motor control



•Temperature regulation

Michelle will be joining me on Monday, June 4th at 4:30PM CST to talk about how she educates her clients on the use of medical marijuana to manage their chronic health conditions.

If you struggle with any of the areas above on a daily basis, tune in on Monday to hear Michelle talk about:

- What evidence we have for using medical marijuana for Parkinson's?

- What general recommendations does she have about using it for PD symptoms?

- Are there any dangers or risks involved in using medical marijuana?

- What difference is there between cannabis and CBD oil?

We'll also be doing a Q&A at the end so make sure you submit your questions here before we go live!

Click here to RSVP to the Facebook LIVE Broadcast with Dr. Michelle Sexton

If you're ready to take a step outside your comfort zone (if you haven't already), then join me and Michelle on Monday.

Hope to "see" you then, Marc!

Big hugs,

Dr. Sarah King, PT, DPT

PS. Not on Facebook? No problem! The interview with Michelle will be put up on YouTube as soon as it's over so you can watch the replay. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel here so you don't miss it! You can submit your questions here beforehand to make sure they're answered by Michelle.

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Austin Texas 78749


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MBAnderson profile image
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5 Replies
faridaro profile image

Just got my MM card last week but have no clue regarding treatment options. Definitely will be looking forward to this interview - thank you for sharing!

Cons10s profile image

I used MM for 1 year 3 times daily. Then I began to realize I was only using it 1 time a day 5 or 6 days a week.

WHY? I no longer had anxiety and that has stuck. I truly believe I re-wired my brain.

I also feel lucky to have never needed Pharmaceuticals to aid in alleviating anxiety forever. I have no fear.

I used Treatwell tincture and rotated different strengths depending on activities.

JANVAN profile image

Interesting, here for the people who understand German and lives not far away from Switzerland >>>>>>> | Online ansehen

Season's Greetings


Der Medical Cannabis Verein Schweiz (MEDCAN) verfolgt das Ziel, dass Patientinnen und Patienten ungehinderten Zugang zu medizinischem Cannabis zu vernünftigen Preisen erhalten und dieses uneingeschränkt, stress- und straffrei zu sich nehmen dürfen.



Cannabispflanzen wirken beim Anbau wie ein Schwamm und nehmen alles auf, was im Boden enthalten ist. Das sind vor allem Nährstoffe. Es sind aber auch Pestizide oder Schwermetalle, die in der Erde enthalten sein können. Aus diesem Grund müssen Cannabisprodukte getestet werden, damit man weiss, was in den Blüten drin ist.

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Mit der Entwicklung von Cannabispflanzen mit einem hohen CBD- und einem geringen THC-Gehalt unter 1 %, deren Blüten dank einer Gesetzeslücke legal verkauft werden dürfen, hat sich in der Schweiz eine Art «Goldgräberstimmung» ausgebreitet. Innerhalb von einem Jahr stieg die Anzahl der gemeldeten CBD-Produzenten von 10 auf über 400. Im Interesse der Schweizer Patientinnen und Patienten hat MEDCAN die CBD-Blüten, die dieses Jahr am CannaSwissCup eingereicht wurden, im Labor testen lassen.

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Am Freitag 18. Mai 2018, hat die Gesundheitskommission des Nationalrats (SGK) über verschiedene Vorstösse im Parlament betreffend Cannabis entschieden. Sie hat die Initiative des St.Galler CVP-Nationalrats Thomas Ammann, der eine vereinfachte Abgabe für chronisch Kranke fordert, in eine Kommissionsmotion umgewandelt.

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Sind Sie Cannabis-Patientin oder -Patient? Finden Sie unser Anliegen «medizinisches Cannabis» zu legalisieren unterstützenswert?

Dann freuen wir uns, sie als Mitglied bei uns zu begrüssen. Nur gemeinsam sind wir stark!

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AmyLindy profile image

I follow Dr King on FB routinely. And am current w CBD THC MMJ. Great stuff. Thx for putting it out here...

Given that PWPs tend to fall more that the norm, fractures are more common. When talking about medical marijuana (MM) for PWPs, it is worth mentioning that another seldom mentioned benefit of MM is its ability to help fractures and broken bones heal!

I imagine that the MM topical salves and ointments would be a great way to go as they will allow high tissue concentrations to be achieved right at the site of the break or fracture while reducing pain! This topical approach will also minimize or eliminate any potential for a MM buzz. Well, I guess the value of that last point will be a detraction for some!😎😎😎


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