Have you thought about helping the world and others with Parkinson's disease (PD) through your own inspirational story? That's exactly what we are trying to do. My name is Laura., I was diagnosed in 2008 with YOPD. Since then I have met so many amazing patients and learnt so much from their stories. I think listening and learning from each other can make us all better and make this world a very special place.
This is exactly what we are trying to achieve in My Angel My Hero's PD project. "My Angel My Hero" is a short film by Faizan Sheikh which raises awareness about PD and how dance can help PWP. In addition to this film, we have started a Video Raising Awareness campaign. If you have a small webcam and want to tell your inspiring story to the entire world please let me know. All you need to do use your computer webcam or a small camera and answer some questions. After you video yourself just send us the video and we will edit the video, post it online and will also blog about your story. Please do let me know if you are interested?
Here are questions and instruction for video:myangelmyhero.weebly.com/su...
You may watch videos already submitted:myangelmyhero.weebly.com/su...
My Angel My Hero's film trailer: myangelmyhero.weebly.com/
I hope to hear from you soon, so together we can bring more awareness towards the disease and make this world a special place for everyone
Please do like us on facebook: facebook.com/pages/My-Angel...
or follow us on twitter: twitter.com/DanceParkinsons