50+ people gave me their email addresses. 25 people plugged in. We got to introduce ourselves and put a face to the name.
Zoom has 4 breakout rooms. In order to allow more substantive conversation, next week, I thought I would send the 1st ten who plug-in to one breakout room and the 2nd 10 people who plug-in to a 2nd breakout room and so on. Or, do you prefer remaining a larger group? Please give me your feedback on this? (Or, we can segregate breakout rooms by other criteria.)
It did not go off without a hitch. 2 people did not get the link. My sincere apology. So sorry.
BootsOn had the excellent idea of my sending out an 'trial run' email during the week. That way, if you do not get the link (at that time,) you can email me your email address and I’ll have time to fix the problem. (You may want to put my email address in your address book so the notice does not go into your spam box.)
I will collect email addresses until Friday afternoon and will send out the 'trial run' email this coming Friday , 9/25 at 4 PM US Central standard Time.
I mentioned a link that Lena McCullough put on her Facebook page. The name of her FB page is Focused Ultrasound for Parkinson’s. This link includes 8 videos, 1 of which is Dr. Laurie Michley interviewing Dr. Jeanmonod. 5 of the videos are conducted by the DBS neurosurgeon Dr. Michele Tagliati - Director of the Movement Disorders Program at Cedars Sinai. These videos are part of Dr. Michely’s online school and cost $10 to view them, but for those of you who are considering 1 of these procedures as an option, they are informative.
For those of you who did attend, I welcome any feedback,
I'm going to create a 2nd meeting - if there is interest - to occur on Saturday (time to be announced) for people in Australia, New Zealand and those who missed the meeting because of church/synagogue/mosque services on Sunday. (This will provide everybody more flexibility.) So, if those of you in Australia and New Zealand and any others are interested, please send me a private message with your email address included.
Thank you.