PSYCHOSiS COMMERCIAL: This is the most... - Cure Parkinson's

Cure Parkinson's

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GLENNM profile image
30 Replies

This is the most misleading and deplorable commercial I have ever seen. It is not the face of Parkinsons you want to present to the public. Especially, the people who have Parkinson's. You are not representing the majority of the Parkinson's people ,but the minority!! It's a very bad commercial,which should be taken off the air. Shame on you Acadia Pharmaceuticals for this poor taste and misrepresentation of the disease!!!!!!

Acadia launches Parkinson’s campaign to shine light on psychosis symptoms | FiercePharma

A new disease awareness campaign shines a light on the hallucinations and delusions that can affect half of people who have Parkinson’s disease. Sponsored…



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GLENNM profile image
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30 Replies
GLENNM profile image

Ah I see many of you have:)

Tiger101 profile image

Yes my husband who was newly diagnosed saw it and got really scared. I then looked at it on their website and watched the commercial and thought WTH!!! It’s aweful.

parkie13 profile image

Yes, we had this discussion before on this site. I'm glad you brought it up again. Park bear provided an email address at

Right before Christmas I emailed them about the ad gave the link to the ad but never gave the name of the drug. They emailed me back and I did say it was Nuplazid .

I did tell them why I thought it was a very bad ad. Perhaps if few of us do it might give it some momentum.


carpark profile image

Yes, it's a frightening ad. I change stations when it comes on.

rhyspeace12 profile image

My husband does have those delusions and hallucinations. It may be helpful to inform the public and caretakers who don't realize that. I think you are talking about the commercial i see on television frequently. I think the hallucinations patients see are even more troublesome than those described in the ad.

He has been having wound care for two months now after fighting off intruders he hallucinated seeing in his bedroom and impaling his leg on a chair..

He went from having a minority of hallucinations to a majority. Parkinson's is a long, continual progression.

Flyingcarousel2 profile image
Flyingcarousel2 in reply to rhyspeace12

I can only speak from our own space. I am a loyal caretaker, wife ~best friend for almost 30 years. This is what we need, that is, answers, in our situation as in the commercial. Yes, it makes me weep inside but I am strong. He-doesn’t seem to notice or understand the commercial so I welcome any info for what I am concerned to sadly fear to only become worse. Perhaps remind your loved one and yourself the commercial is for those unfortunately needing help in this area of PD. Prayers for all.

GLENNM profile image
GLENNM in reply to Flyingcarousel2

I’m sure you’re a wonderful caretaker. I just think the advertisement cross the line I don’t need to be reminded about my debilitating disease every day with a commercial like that . My father dropped dead at 51 of a heart attack, i’m 62 so I try and live life every day to the fullest. I don’t need to be reminded about how bad my diseases Is, Or that I have a 50-50 chance of getting dementia. Excuse my punctuation but I’m using voice recognition .

Flyingcarousel2 profile image
Flyingcarousel2 in reply to GLENNM

I appreciate and validate your concerns Glenn~Shelly

rhyspeace12 profile image
rhyspeace12 in reply to Flyingcarousel2

I weep over my husband's situation too. He was such a handsome clever man when we married 57 years ago. Now he suffers from Parkinsons' psychosis and it started out of the blue. You can't deny that these things exist. I understand not wanting to think about the future, but it has to be faced. Almost every day is a nightmare. He will soon have an appointment to see a psychiatrist that will go over his medication with him.His uncaring neurologist told him he doesn't want to bother with psychosis and we are on our own in that respect. I'm a former RN, so I have am able to understand options available, but the doctors have to care. To most of them we are just broken down relics on our way out, anyway.

Flyingcarosel2 , perhaps we can exchange any ideas and information we come across in our desperate attempt to help our husband's.

Flyingcarousel2 profile image
Flyingcarousel2 in reply to rhyspeace12

Yes, I would very much like to exchange ideas and encouragement with you, rhyspeace12. I am “following” you now on this board. On a much lighter note, my husband is a handsome, very intelligent man who handled massive budgets. Seems like s recurring theme with so many with PD-so very intelligent and clever, indeed. Charming. He still makes my heart quicken every time I see him. God bless

Mkuklo profile image
Mkuklo in reply to rhyspeace12

He's over medicated!

rhyspeace12 profile image

Nuplazid is $2700 a month! We looked into it. He is now on Seraquel. It helps a bit so he isn't psychotic. He still hallucinates but doesn't feel so emotional, out of control and depressed. The hallucinations are from his Sinemet.

Mkuklo profile image
Mkuklo in reply to rhyspeace12

I disagree not the sinamet. It was the drug that extended the sinamet that caused my mother to have hallucinations.

rhyspeace12 profile image
rhyspeace12 in reply to Mkuklo

I know they say people with Parkinsons who have never been treated with dopamine don't get hallucinations.

parkie13 profile image

I'm very sorry to hear that. It's a new drug with a huge list of bad side effects. I'm not saying that it might not help but the side effects are really bad if you happen to be the one that gets them. Sending good thoughts your way.

weareparky profile image

In Italy in these days the parky community is over-depressed and saddened due to a lot of bad news coming from TV, newspapers and social news. An example : "Alzheimer e Parkinson : medicine surrenders. The giant company Pfizer give up research".

I made a search on google and i found on gen 2017 some rumors like this : "ACADIA focuses on the development of drugs to treat central nervous system disorders, and it has been the subject of takeover speculation for over a year. Besides AstraZeneca and Pfizer, ..." (

In italy we said : "to think badly you're never wrong". What do you think about ?

1182 profile image

I have seen the commercial too. I think it is unfortunate that it is the only information on TV Can any of the foundation do some public education?

shellbinns67 profile image

There are enough reminders in my life that I have PD. I saw this commercial once and will never again

It is simply depressing. I try to focus on the positive and not what MAY be down the road.

mleec profile image

I too think it is inappropriate and misleading. Less than a year diagnosed and not on meds yet it shows the worst side of this degenerative disease. I am still trying to make sense of all of this and trying to stay positive. Pharmaceutical companies are trying to make money based on fear. Some of these companies are as bad as the companies like Monsanto that probably caused this disaster of Parkinson’s to begin with! Fight back with being informed and positive!

Shakinginnc profile image

I have seen it and being recently diagnosed with PD it scares the crap out of me. Thank you GlennM for bringing the commercial up and saying that it misrepresents PWP.

jujulini profile image

i agree, glennm. i just hope most people have a dvr now, so theyre not watching commercials. i hadnt seen it, but heard about it from this group about a month ago. people already look at us like theres something mentally wrong with us. we dont need commercials like these to add fuel to the fire.

and i also agree with mleec. how many of us have been poisoned with mercury, agent orange or any of the drugs these greedy, lying drug companies have created?

Christin313 profile image

The PD ad seems to be a veiled pharma ad. They should mention the medication and potential side effects.

The number of pharma ads on US TV is unbelievable. The rheumatoid arthritis ads showing a young woman with zero joint damage or any other visible symptoms, also cause me to change channels or fast forward. That is not reality, and side effects from these drugs can be worse than the symptoms supposedly being treated.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to Christin313

yes- something like dry eyes,but the drug may cause heart issues, or the antidepressant that may cause depression and increase chances of suicide, or my favorite---the asthma med that can cause death due to an asthma attack. its just insane. but doctors prescribe them, and people take them, and the drug companies get rich.

Christin313 profile image
Christin313 in reply to jujulini

I am thankful my Dad’s neurologists were cautious about adding other medications. They would mention a drug to address a PD symptom (such as Botox for saliva/drooling), but not strongly recommend it.

Dad tried a new PD medication once that rapidly decayed several teeth and did not help him, so we tried to be cautious and not fall for the snake oil again.

ddmagee1 profile image

It is unfortunate that the commercial is allowed. Doctor’s and PD organizations should step up to the plate and speak out about what this commercial can do to those of us who suffer from Parkinson’s. This just makes us fearful of what our future may be, in terms of our well being. What’s wrong with these people. Nobody wants to hear about the possibility, or probability that they will have hallucinations and/or delusions to look forward to, in their future!

churchill435 profile image

I have seen it and it is disgusting. Fear mongering to sell more drugs. Half the commercials on TV now are all about drugs.

Adrian123 profile image

I personally agree parkinson info because we need people to be knowledgeable of this terrible disease, but I must confess this particular tv add drives me crazy. I hate it, it makes me depressed

ddmagee1 profile image
ddmagee1 in reply to Adrian123

Yeah! Now I’m depressed too!

aliciamq profile image

Yes, many times😑

Mkuklo profile image

Being over medicated caused hallucinations for my mother. This commercial makes me so angry!!! Yup just keep adding more drugs....not the answer!

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