Does anyone have experience with any of these supplements? Possibly, someone using Mucuna?
Supplements: Tyrosine & 5-HTP?: Does anyone... - Cure Parkinson's
Supplements: Tyrosine & 5-HTP?
L-tyrosine skyrocketed my blood pressure.
I was taking these along with a few others branched aminos, carnitine, nac all regularly as a gym supplement before being diagnosed. I was also in very good shape. They did little for me personally with regards to my Parkinson's symptoms (limping, stiff, tremors) they helped with other areas, stamina, fat burn and possibly slight mood elevation. Mucuna made me very nauseas and I couldn't seem to get the dose right so I started sinemet.
I bought powder at a natural supplement store in Toronto before being prescribed sinemet. The Big Carrot. Unfortunately I'm not likely the best person to ask because it made me sick and I wasn't sure the dosage. I played around with amounts but it never sat well in my stomach ever so didn't persevere. I also tried a tincture variation but it had little effect. That dosage said 10-30 drops 2-4 times a day. I know others on here have mentioned good experiences and I think you can purchase in pill form (perhaps capsules full of powder) and the dose is easier perhaps to control.
Thanks I wasn't trying to be nosey. I was curious because I have had great success with mucuna I was only on Carbidopa levodopa for about 7 months before I switched over. I am using the powdered extract from nutrivitashop. The trick to mucuna is to start out with small amounts like an eighth of a teaspoon and see how you do. I take 3/8 of a teaspoon which is like slightly over 1 gram.. It is also important to take it without protein so it doesn't compete crossing the blood barrier delivering it to your central nervous system. This is my eighth year of having Parkinson's that I know of I'm not going to say it has been smooth sailing but I do believe it's better than the Carbidopa. Thanks again for your feedback! Steven
I was diagnosed with PD 9 years ago I'v been on sinemet and mirapex . I started with sinemet 25/100 3x day and at some point I started taking 4 per day plus 1 50/200 extended release to take at bedtime. Mirapex .5 mg 3x day. It has not been enough 2 quell the tremors so over the past several years I have been adding mucuna to the mix. My neurologist knows that I take it but she knows nothing about it. That kind of pisses me off because if you look through all the blogs here there are certainly enough people talking about it. You just have to try it to figure out dosages. And if I take too much I tend to get dyskinesia but sometimes the trade-off it's worth it to be free of the Tremors for a little while. I shop at so I started there with their brand name vitacost Mucuna prurines which I would take in between doses of siminet. Now I take
Pure Science velvet bean extract 2-3x day. It's much stronger than the Vitacost it gives me a lot of energy.