I have been diagnosed with very low iron levels and have Parkinsons. After an Endoscopy, colonoscopy, injesting a barium camera for a lower intestinal read and a negative for blood stool sample my doctors cannot find a source of a bleed anywhere but yet low iron levels. Anyone else experiencing this???
Iron deficiency anemia: I have been... - Cure Parkinson's
Iron deficiency anemia

Have they checked your vitamin B12 levels? This vitamin is thought to be low in many people with Parkinson’s. It is involved with the production of healthy red blood cells.
You might not be leaking blood, you might not be making it properly.
low B-12,
my B-12 was in the cellar. my Neuro have me the choice of a shower then once a month or 1,000 mgc orally a day and he said it was not absorbed well when taken orally. to compound matters I take 20mg Pepcid 2 x a day due to gallbladder removal ubut here is the rub antacids of any kind interfere with absorbing B-12!
Yes, I’ve had iron deficiency anemia for a few years now. I, also, have the diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease and Cerebellar Ataxia. The second year blood tests looked ok, when I had been on ferrous sulfate tablets, one a day, for a year, so the doctor took me off. Then s couple months later, I started having episodes of rapid heart beats, that were lasting up to 10 minutes, so the Dr, put me back on the Iron supplementation. Recently, I had a colonostomy, and no bleeding was found; however, I do have diverticularosis.
I too have have episodes of anemia. I also had a colonoscopy and endoscopy. It was attributed to the gastric bypass that I had prior to being diagnosed with parkinsons. I had the iron infusion 2 times in the past year. More recently, my b-12 was found to be low (usually normal). We'll see what the next bloodwork shows.