I have a supply of to much iron in my brain they look like 2 sacks of fluid on the MRI, back of my head. The doctor thought this is a birth defect?? with folic acid, B6 missing in my system. ANY other's like this or does anyone have a thought on this. Thanks KADIE57
Is iron a common theme with Parkinson? - Cure Parkinson's
Is iron a common theme with Parkinson?

Hi Kadie57 - Yes iron is one of the culprits in Pd
There is a research project currently underway in Leeds (UK) led by a DR Duce which is Investigating a new 'iron-handling' drug for Parkinson's - See more at: parkinsons.org.uk/content/l...
Hope this is of help
I have been dx w/atypical parkinsonsism syndome,,plus I have too much iron in my blood..wherein I usually get a unit of blood drawn every 4 to 8 weeks,,,has taken a year or more to get my count down from 640 to 99...lowest was 79..I will be bringing this to the attention of my neurologist,
Well, this is interesting!
I,too, have a high level of Iron and seeing my GP tomorrow. For many years now I have had yearly blood tests and always have had high Iron readings but no one has taken it further except my new GP. I decided to get a second opinion and change doctors.
Interestingly we were heading down the Haemochromatosis path, because, my mother and my sister both have that disease and I am a Carrier. Have had the Genetic Workup.
Have a plethora of questions for him now.
I too will notify my doctor with the iron info, and I will post what I find out . Thanks so much! I feel armed with info is the best way to live with PD> KADIE57
This is the first I'm hearing of it.. I can have my blood levels checked. but then what?
I m not sure but the iron in over abundance should be regulated in food etc. It just seems and interesting fact that so many PD people have to much iron
What attracts me to this idea is the simplicity of it. With a lot of the research news I'm lost after the first paragraph. On the other hadn if a reduction of iron intake were effective in reducing the symptoms they would have been on to it years ago. It's an interesting idea but probabaly more complicated than it seems.
I have been informed that too much iron affects your heart , liver and kidneys.....iron overload......dangerous and system must get rid of it with Veni Sections regularly until iron level is back to normal......
Please if anyone knows more about the iron issue please post, I m thrilled to think their could be something else that may work to help relieve anything to do with Parkinson.Thanks Kadie
Hello Kadie57
My understanding is that excess levels of iron do not in themselves cause PD, but that the high levels found are because are a result of the disease process and may contribute to its progression.
I do not know if high levels of iron feature in every case of Parkinson's, but judging by the response in this thread it would be wise for each of us to get our iron levels checked to see if they are that much higher than the norm.
If they are high, surely with the aid of our doctor, it would make sense to review our intake of iron from dietary sources especially if we are taking mineral and vitamin tablets. I believe that some brands of these tablets omit iron completely.
Hi I have been taking folic acid 5mg for 3 years ?
Women typically have low iron (due to they're monthly period) and you'll notice most women's vitamins contain iron whereas men's don't. You might want to check your multivitamin to make sure you're not adding more. I believe green tea is a chelator for removing iron. The more interesting question regarding these women is what was they're iron level during the earlier years when they were having a monthly period.
I checked the one-a-day vitamin for women and for the 50+ it contains no iron; whereas the same vitamin for women (assume under 50 I suppose) contained 100% of recommended daily supply of iron.
Have a look at dr Zamboni's work with MS patients. He discovered a condition called CCSVI where the veins from the brain are slightly blocked resulting in a build up of iron in the brain. Many people with MS have been successfully treated for this by putting a stent in the vein and their symptoms have improved. I think it is likely that this could help some PWP too.
Hello Kadie57
I had my iron levels checked as a result of this thread. My level is 174 (UK values). Apparently, the range is from 15 to 300. Interestingly, two years ago it was in the 120's.
It seems PD sufferers may have low iron blood levels but high iron in the brain. I have read magnesium blocks iron to the brain so ask your doctor about this. Cheers