My family history includes Lewy body dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. I haven’t felt well for a long time and wonder if I may be developing Parkinson’s.
I Need to Know More: My family history... - Cure Parkinson's
I Need to Know More

To be quite honest with you, I do believe that ( WITH THE RIGHT HELP ) I could have been diagnosed at the age of 39 and not 46. It was then that I became ( OBSESSED ) with exercise and nutrition.
Yes, even to the point of making fish shakes:
I see you already met Serenity.
Lzlz : Truth is you may be developing anything . Lots and lots of terrible things, Hypochondriac is one, depression another, many fears that can take over and leave you afraid to go outside or touch another person. You could join all the people spending vast sums on "health food " and taking preventative medications.
Go for a walk, have a bowl movement, get some sleep, eat some meat and vegetables and fruit, then go see a general practitioner family doctor and get a complete examination, tell him/her about your fears.
Well you probably have been googling - check out my profile for my recommendations as to what to do.
Undergoing a thorough evaluation by a movement disorders specialist, would be my recommendation. If you have a GP, who is trained in checking for neurological signs and knows what tests to perform and/or could refer you to a neurologist, that would be another avenue to explore, in your quest for understanding why you have not been feeling well.
Need more detail to express any opinion. Are you having tremors? tight muscles? insomnia?