I have started taking madapor 4 weeks ago and it was going ok apart from feeling fairly tired at first. Now however my tongue is red and raw looking and really sore. Is this a side effect? I can't find any other reason for it as I havnt changed anything else.
Raw tongue and madapor?: I have started... - Cure Parkinson's
Raw tongue and madapor?

Start supplementing with a good multivitamin and a multiple B vitamin. Sounds like a deficiency of B vitamins.
You could try one more thing, I don't know if that will help or not. It might help to soothe take a tablespoon of coconut oil and put it in your mouth and let it dissolve and keep on swishing it between 5 and 20 minutes and then spit it out rinse your mouth out with water.
I tried this yesterday and it has helped. Much better today. However, it was pretty hard not to gag and I couldn't do it for very long!
Thanks for the tip!
I can do it with coconut oil but nothing else. You might have heard of it it's called oil pulling an ancient Indian technique
My integrative GP, who I am seeing to investigate the gut bacteria/PD connection had told me to do it to get rid of strep. which apparently I have. (Also to sip bone broth throughout the day). I hadn't done it though as I was overwhelmed with everything she told me to do and take! Now I've started it though I'll press on - it's getting a little less gag worthy and my tongue is better!
How are you taking the madapor?
Have you seen 'The castle'? I think you'd enjoy it!
I am afraid of being let down. I think Firefly is one of the best TV shows ever.
My apologies Astra7 , when you said The castle I thought you meant Castle, staring Nathan Fillion. Nathan Fillion was also the star of a cult classic Firefly. It is more popular today than when it first came out. The castle looks like a combination of Faulty Towers and Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, if so I know I well love it. Thank you!
That will be most uncomfortable for you :(. I have never heard a connection with madopar but pd drugs tend to give us a dry mouth and that could be contributing to your problem.
Astra, you may find some info in this thread. I see i found some info but I entirely forgot - ho hum 🤗
Good morning
I'm on sinemet now after very bad response to madapar. I too have very sore mouth and after reading much about it I have found teatree toothpaste organic if poss and teatree mouthwash really good. After just three days it's looking feeling a lot better.
Hope this helps much love Bea