Has anyone tried a raw diet to achieve Parkinsons remission? I’m reading about it but it seems so daunting, I would need some serious proof and encouragement! If anyone has tried, please share your story or why you would not try. Thanks!
Raw Diet: Has anyone tried a raw diet to... - Cure Parkinson's
Raw Diet

I eat raw egg yolks here and there and regularly drink organic green smoothies but no, I wouldn't recommend a completely raw diet.
I tried a raw vegan diet some 20 years ago, and I went anemic in no time. Your ability to absorb nutrition decreases as well.
Whenever someone achieves a disease remission from a "fad" diet, I assume he/she was able to fill a nutritional gap by doing so, compared to the prior diet.
what is a fad diet?
Vegetables you can eat raw give you more antioxidants raw. Eating raw meat is risky if not done right and don't know any benefits. While antioxidants help, there is no evidence of remission.
Problem with raw meat is it can be toxic
Japanese know how to process raw fish. However the fish are often still alive when you walk in the restaurant. Fresh is important for their process. Raw meat in the grocery store often has e coli or salmonella.
It's risky to eat fresh raw fish, especially salmon loaded with parasites. That's why fish are frozen for certain amount of time/temp before used for sushi.
Yes they know how to process fish, but the last time I had the worst #2 issue for weeks was after a work trip to Japan to perform a training. My gut just couldn't handle all the exotic raw and semi-raw food, but the locals were just fine.
Tried it , didn't work for me
The diet I’m reading about is Vegan, 80/20 raw/cooked veggies. No dairy, coffee or wine, sprouted grains and seeds/nuts and fruits. It’s supposed to heal the brain.
Thanks all for your replies!
If it heals the brain I wonder how. I have never heard of a diet putting PD into remission. Wish it were so.
I was reading it from a book by James C Tibetts. “Starving into Remission: Alz,PD and MS”
It has a definite religious bias.
Oh my goodness! What can i say, I am flabbergasted by the amount of people in the US who make money by selling hope. I have asked before who has met a person who has been cured or even reversed PD. They may quote names they have got from on line of people who claim a cure but so far nobody here has met anyone cured of PD. If you try the diet maybe you can be the first!
Typically a raw diet consists of raw fruits and vegetables. I don't believe raw meat is included. lol. Google the hallelujah diet. It encourages no meat, dairy or sugar.
More sensible is to add as much salad and raw veges into your diet as possible and cut out all sugar, probably gluten, dairy and cut down on meat. And organic if you can. You don’t need to go extreme raw or you won’t stick to it.
I’ve been eating a mostly vegetarian, sometimes fish, sometimes vegan diet for the past 20 + years and eat all types of herbs. I would strongly agree with LAJ12345.
raw food diet works just try it you have nothing to loss just better health i have done it for 2 yrs just eating raw veg 1 am about 60 % raw veg cook food is addicted and smell good