Extended release Carbidopa Levodopa in any form causes me problems. This includes Rytary, extended release Carbidopa Levodopa and entacapone. I get bradykinesia and Dystonia. Speech changes (i can not say any thing i want to say but i can read out loud anything i see if i write it i can say it or if i just look at a key board and spell the words there i can say them. ) I will cuss and holler as loud as i can. I took 1entacapone tablet and 2 hours later i was on the floor hardly able to move or talk and my breathing was eratic and i was having Dystonia very badly. It went on for about a hour.
I am now taking 4 25/100 Carbidopa Levodopa tablets every 4 hours 6 times a day with little or no down time and no side effects. The only problem i have is not enough sleep but i am able to sleep better now. Some nights i get 6 hours of sleep some only 2 or 3.
I am 63 11 years DX. I believe i have all symptoms of Parkinson's except Tremor. Has any one had a problem like this.