Study made just for us suggestible pd's so put a nice big label on bottle of vitamin C or magnesium. Parkinson's Placebo take one pill 3 times a day or whatever instructions you want to write.
Study made just for us suggestible pd's so put a nice big label on bottle of vitamin C or magnesium. Parkinson's Placebo take one pill 3 times a day or whatever instructions you want to write.
Yup, if you believe it will work or you believe it won't, either way you will be right. The mind is a powerful thing............keep the faith. I am off for my walk.
All I can say is I've been diagnosed and progressed at a less than expected rate for 11 + years. I lost my olfactory senses early on. I have no sense of smell... (cleaning a closed shower with bleach and wondering why my throat was raw and eyes watered), (Ordering the hottest spiciest menu items).
Somehow over the course of the last 11 years my brain has taken memory and replaced some of those senses. I swear I can smell wet dirt driving down the road after a spring rain, or that steak grilling. As long as I'm aware of what i should experience, II can remanufacture it to some degree at times seaming so real!
We use 10% of our brain. It is an extremely powerful, and suggestive force when channeled positively
Meditate, relax, Zen out.... whatever it takes.............
Namaste Day
Here's my funny story, many years before the diagnosis I was riding in a car with my daughter and my grandson he was just a toddler. He had a poopy diaper and everybody were giving me a really bad time because I could not smell it. I am still amazed that my sense of smell came back as well the taste of food Mary
Is there any thing you can identify that caused the revival of your senses of smell and taste?
All I can think of is that I'm in partial recovery after reading and implementing dr. Janice Hudlow Walton book which is available for a free download on PD site. She is the doctor of Oriental medicine and she's also the one that wrote the book once upon a pill that explains a lot of problems with Parkinson's medication
I always tell our (close) friends "She can fluff the sheets and I don't even know"...... as my wife pulls me away.....