has anyone used such devices & was it helpful for tremor reduction?
cens/ tens device and pd tremor reduction - Cure Parkinson's
cens/ tens device and pd tremor reduction

I've tried TENS in an unscientific way and got no reduction in my PD symptoms. But, I still suspect that with the right frequency and electrode positioning it would give benefit. Good luck!
My Physiotherapist started out with Tens and Massage when I first went 9yrs ago and the TENS treatment and heatlamp were soon stopped when he realised that Massage on its own was the most effective aspect in reducing tremors
For those who may doubt that Massage has a very important role to play in alleviating and possibly slowing down the progression of PD consider the aspect raised in this link;
Help rid, speed up the movement of toxins from vour body (toxins peculiar to your situation) and you are half way there.
TEN treatment had no effect. Last year when my tremor was much worse my wife would massage my tremor arm. That comfort would allow me to go to sleep at night 🌙. My tremor is currently much milder, day and night.