Anyone using the Miramate pulsed electromagnetic field device? It's about the cheapest and most portable on the market. I've been using it for ten days and today I experienced several hours of no tremor, not even a twitch, and I felt blissfully relaxed. I've been sleeping very sound too. I believe it improves energy too. You can't feel a thing while it's on, I've been teaching while wearing it!
Miramate PEMF and reduction in tremor - Cure Parkinson's
Miramate PEMF and reduction in tremor

Fascinating, Dap! Where do you place the coils?
I just have them each side of my right wrist for convenience. I assume it works the whole system where ever they're put. It stopped the tremor in my other hand and the twitching in my legs too from there.
This technology looks very interesting! Lots of questions??? Do you notice other benefits in terms of PD? I see the technology is used for many other health issues. Is there any feeling at all that the device causes when wearing it? How long do you use it for each day? Are the effects lasting or do you have to use the device everyday in order to maintain the benefit?
Thank you for posting this!

It's early days for me yet, so I can't tell how long the benefits will last or whether they'll need topping up daily. Studies suggest PEMF protects the substania nigra. It reduces pain. It helps you have a more coherent thought process. I can feel nothing when I wear it. I use it for 2-3 hours a day, while I'm doing other things. There's no limit to the time you can use it for each day. I'm also hoping it will increase bone density and improve my osteoporosis.
This is only a rodent study abstract, but it looks very promising toward bone and spinal integrity!
What did your research find as far as the different PEMF devices that are available? Having used your device for only a short while so far, would you buy it again and would you recommend it to your friends at this point?
Please keep us posted on your experiment.......this seems very exciting!

I've read that it's works best if the device runs at 9.6hz. The miramate does this. I may have to buy another one, as my husband is using it for his gout! At only around £150 I would recommend it to my friends.
here is some good information, Russia has been using this in their hospitals for a long time while we are experimenting with it on rats .
I noticed my RH tremor goes down when pulsing it with the LH. I was considering to look for a pulsing device to do a test but you already did. Did you buy it from US or other country? I found their site but the phone # does not seem to be US number.
They are based in China. It arrived quickly and they reply to questions in about half an hour! I ordered it online. They have a Facebook page you can join and they answer questions on that. You can also read what other users say.
how long the charge last? can you wear it unnoticed outside?
I use batteries so I'm not attached to a wall plug. You can get rechargeable batteries. I haven't worn it outside but you could put the elastic belt on and put the coils under it with the control unit clipped on to something or in a pocket, with a jacket/cardigan over the top...?
The manufacturer advises that the 9 volt battery should last about 8 hours. A rechargeable battery or two seems like a worthwhile addition.
But it's not specifically for pain. It entrails cells mitochondria for more efficient cellular oxygen metabolism, more cellular energy and better cellular detox and more blood and tissue O2.
Yes, the studies for PEMF are all over the health map! Dap, it appears that you are going to be the human study for HealthUnlocked! Thank you for posting your information and I am looking forward to your updates!

Done a lot of searching and reading. There are several devices and among them there are TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) implants. Got to do more searching though to find the right one for my husband who is very uncooperative and in denial although in early stages.
Try showing your husband videos of PWPs at advanced stages of the disease. If that can't motivate him, nothing can! My friends with PD hate watching those videos, but I think it helps them to realize that they need to be as proactive as possible if they want to maintain their current quality of life or better!

Dear easily, when I ask him to talk about it, his answer is "Who told you I want to talk about it?" I have done all the searching and reading about PD and have taken initiative for his medical appointments (Mayo and Cleveland). He is not on any PD meds, just vitamins and we are in the process of NutrEval tests prescribed by the FM physician at Cleveland. She wants to start with Pelvic Floor Rehab (GUT). She also prescribed various vitamins and probiotic. See how things work out.
His allergies have flourished and he has very low energy.
Yes, one of my friends has a similar attitude, but unlike his wife who tends to cater to him and avoids discussing the disease with him, I am generally brutally honest with him and let him know that he needs to take an interest in maintaining his health rather than leaving the burden of that to his wife, lest he end up like one of the PWPs in the videos! Okay, I can be heartless at times, but it is in his best interest and I always try to share anything I hear about that may be helpful for him. I never baby my friends with PD and try to be straight forward without being rude. It just seems to me that the PWPs who do the best with this disease are the ones who actively and consistently make the effort to try to improve their health beyond just going to their regular doctor visits.
It is as they say, you can lead a horse to water.......but sometimes a swift kick is needed to get them started!
I notice that any apparent improvement is somewhat motivating to this friend, but to get improvement requires effort!
Prices vary hugely, several around £2000! I chose the miramate partly because it was only about £150. My friend spent £1300 and although her device comes with different programmes for different health issues (there's a programme for Parkinson's) it's not portable which would limit the time I could use it.
Based on their literature for the unit you purchased, it looks like it may not be compatible with implanted electronics, so possibly contraindicated in people with DBS!

That is possible. I know you can't use PEMF if you have a pacemaker.
DAP, could you give us a daily update
it would be much appreciated .
Fantastic! I look forward to hearing more about this.
Read the blog on PEMF devices on 'Outhinking parkinsons's'
I did order it.. Will update regularly, can't wait to get it and start..
Good luck with it. Watch YouTube (search Miramate) for video on how to set it up. I didn't have instant improvement, so allow time for your system to improve. I have it on 2-3 hours a day. There's no limit, it's very safe.
Keep us posted!
Hi, did you sense any reduction in tremor during the first few days of use ? Thanks for giving us all this info.
I ordered one with two spare coils
we shall see what it does, I will post after receipt plus one week of use
nothing ventured, nothing gained
Thanks Dap
Good luck and give it time. Search 'miramate' on YouTube for more information on set up and what it does.
NAS discovered that PEMF stimulates the regrowth of neural tissue from between 250-400%.
Another good article on how PEMF therapy benefits Parkinson's
Which miramate device are you using?
A quick update. I'm now thinking 'less is more' and too much might be too stimulating. I'm now trying just half an hour a day on a low setting. It IS very safe but pwp can be sensitive to stimulus. It's like everything else, one size does not fit all and trial and error gets you nearer the right balance.
Thank you for the update!
You say, 'too much might be too stimulating', does this mean it keeps you up at night, makes you jittery or nervous or does it mean it starts to work backwards with less benefit? Are you still getting all the same benefits or has that changed in some way since you first mentioned PEMF? Specifics are very helpful!

Too much can increase tremor, i think. My miramate has just stopped working! Am I being told to give it a rest!!
Well I hope the manufacturer replaces it for you for free! Let them know you are the human test subject for HU and you are recommending their long as it is working!
Hi Dap1948.
I have just started using Miramite.
How many hours a day would you recommend to start with.
I am using the highest volume.
Thanks Rai
That's a difficult question to answer! I honestly don't know. I suggest you start cautiously and monitor how it affects you. If you're using it for pain, then the company recommend the highest setting. However, if you want to reduce tremors, try the lowest setting. You want to feel calmer rather than stimulated. Our reactions are all different. Some of us are more sensitive than others.
Hi Dap1948.
Thanks for your reply!
I actually don't have tremor since starting Madopar 2 years ego, on the 9th year since diagnosis.
But today at the gym and yesterday night when we've been with the friends, the tremor re-appeared.
Could be due to some other factors as I use the device only for the 4th day and for 40 minutes each time.
Perhaps will switch the setting from 3 to 1 as you suggested.
After the exercises the second most positive factor influencing my PD is my food: no sugar and flower and limited carbs.
I will see whether the Miramate will help. Looking forward to 14th day on it. Seems to be a timeline when the changes get visible, right?
I agree, we are all different.
I don't need any help with tremor but have a back pain when stand for long time.
Also hope it would help to cut down on Madopar- currently I take 350mgr
Thanks for your guidance.
Just wondering if the company replaced/repaired your PEMF device and if so, can you give an update? Thank you!
I am sending my Miramate back. The firm have said they will replace it. Can't ask for more than that!
Hi Dap1948.
Would be good to have your update on Miramate.
DO you still use it?
How often and what s the duration of use?
I was too sensitive to it from the first day.
Plan to try it again later.
That is very good to hear!
Please update when you resume treatment, Dap. Thank you!
Hi Dap. I am curious if you ever restarted the Miramate, and if it made your tremor worse in the end? Thanks for any info
No I haven't restarted the PEMF. Things have been going well so I haven't wanted to rock the boat!
Did you get a replacement and what was the procedure?
I emailed them with descriptions of the problem and photos and after several emails from them saying "try this, try that" they accepted it was broken and instructed me to package it up and return it to China. I had to take photos of the package too. Then when they'd received it and tested it and accepted that it was indeed broken, they sent me a new one!
Do you have the miramate for $185.00? It's the mini version with 2 coils.
Are you still getting relief? Do you recommend it as being worth the money?
Sorry are you asking me? I gave up miramate over two years ago. B1 took over and sorted out my symptoms!
Dap, yes, I was asking you. I'm glad B1 worked so well for you. As you probably know, B-1 benefit faded for some people after 18 months. You began trying B-1 while you were using Miramate, so does that mean after a while the benefit faded? Do you still recommend it?
I can't remember if I was using miramate at the same time as B1. The effect of the B1 has not faded but I have had to re-adjust down the dosage a couple of times and now take a little over half of what I started on. I anticipate that I will have to continue to tweak the dose from time to time to keep the benefits.
Hi there how is the PEMF device working for your tremor now that you have been using it for so long?
Regards colin
Who are you asking Colin?! It can't be me! As I say, I gave up two years ago or more.
Oh Sorry Dap I missed that feed where you said you had given up does that mean it was not effective?